Employer Resources
Thank you for your interest in partnering with Gavilan College to hire and provide learning opportunities for our students.
Hiring Our Students for Jobs
We promote your job opportunities through our job board with College Central Network and targeted outreach to students. Here is information on how you can use College Central.
Our preferred way to get job opportunities from employers who are new to us is through a phone call or an email. In your email please include:
- A job description
- The qualifications that you are looking for
- Schedule (number of hours/week; flexible or not)
- The way you want the applicants to get in touch with you
- Your complete business name, address, contact information
- Anything else you see as being pertinent (such as benefits, working conditions, etc).
All jobs must pay the prevailing minimum wage applicable in the State of California.
If this is the first job opportunity you have sent to us, we will register your company and post your first job(s) on College Central. Once you are registered with our online database, you will receive a user ID and a password that will be assigned for your company/organization. This information allows you to search for student resumes that are posted online, edit your listings and add more openings. We can also keep entering your job opportunities if you send them to us. Please call or email us to have your job listing removed once the position has been filled, and let us know if you hired one of our students.
If you need assistance, please contact Lelannie Mann at lmann@gavilan.edu or 408-852-2873.
Hiring Our Students as Interns
Internships are structured career preparation activities designed to enrich and expand classroom learning for students and to help meet an organization’s goals. Students work in an internship for a defined period of time to participate in and observe work first hand within a given industry. Employers find internship programs valuable because students bring in fresh perspectives and the programs create a pipeline for new hires and mentorship opportunities for existing employees.
Structuring an Internship
An Internship Should Offer:
- Supervision and ongoing feedback provided by a professional in the field
- Clearly defined learning objectives
- Orientation, training, and/or an onboarding process
- A safe environment with the necessary tools to perform the learning objectives
- Work that is not meant to replace an employee
- Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act and with EEOC laws
Internships require a commitment for a defined period of time, typically a semester or summer. If interns are enrolled in college, classes are a top priority for them. Typically, internships require about 8-15 hours per week during the fall, spring, or summer terms. Paid, full-time internships may be offered during the summer.
Gavilan encourages paid internships for our students. Compensation can start at minimum wage; top earners can make $25 per hour and more, based on experience and type of industry. If for-profit employers consider unpaid internships, they must be in compliance with the FLSA Fact Sheet 71.
For more information on internships please read 15 Best Practices for Internship Programs.
Please contact Lelannie Mann at lmann@gavilan.edu or 408-852-2873 if you are interested in an internship and we can help you set it up and promote the opportunities to our students.
Other Ways to Partner with Gavilan
Hiring Our Students for Work Experience
Students can earn credit for internships by enrolling in a custom course—a win-win for employers and students. In custom courses, students work with their instructors and supervisors to develop learning objectives they will achieve during their internship. They also learn work skills important to all employers: communication, customer service, time management, honesty/integrity, interpersonal skills, motivation/initiative, teamwork, analytical skills, flexibility/adaptability, technology, job knowledge, and professionalism/work ethic.
Providing Work-based Learning
Work-based learning such as field trips, guest lectures or job shadows, provide students with real-life work experiences that help them apply their classroom learning, improve their career awareness and help them be more job ready.
Serving on Advisory Boards
Gavilan’s Career Education programs prepare students for skilled trades in a wide range of occupations. These programs offer students a career path that starts in a high-wage, middle-skilled job – the jobs that employers often find hard to fill. To learn more about the Gavilans Career Education program, visit the program website.
Each of our programs includes an advisory committee of industry representatives that meets once or twice a year to keep a pulse on changes in the workplace, both in technologies and industry developments. Information that is brought forth in these committees is used to improve the program curriculum, making our students that much more employable.
Thank you again for your interest in Gavilan. Please contact us Daisy Lopez-Jimenez at djimenez@gavilan.edu or 408-852-2897 about any of these ways we can work with you and to tell us about ways we can help you in your needs.
We appreciate your support of our students!