Welcome to the Counseling Department
Have a quick question for a Counselor? Try Drop-In Counseling!
DROP-IN HOURS: Drop-in hours can vary. Please visit our Drop-In Counseling page on Gav Connect to see our hours for the week.
*NOTE: Drop-in may be closed early if several students are in the queue leading up to last check-in
In-Person Drop-In
- Gilroy Campus: check in at the Welcome Center in the the Student Center/Counseling area.
- Hollister Site: drop-in services will resume at our NEW Hollister Site starting in January.
Sign up to receive a phone call from a counselor.
Gavilan ID & Password are required to log on to drop-in. If you are not yet a student, you can still log in. If you forgot your Gavilan ID and password, please call the Counseling Support Office at (408) 852-2895.
If possible, have internet access as you might need to log into your account.
Counseling appointments can now be scheduled using Gav Connect! You can schedule an appointment with a general counselor, support program counselor, or major specific counselor.
General Counseling
Schedule an appointment with a General Counselor (including Hollister) or major specific counselor:
- General Counselors (Gilroy)
- General Counselors (Hollister)
- Career Education - Skilled Trades and Allied Health/Nursing
- STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
- Continuing Education - ESL, Citizenship, GED
Support Program Counseling
(NOTE: You must be registered with the program to access scheduling)
Click on the support program you are a part of and you will be brought to their schedule/website.
Having trouble making an appointment?
- View this video on How to Obtain your Gav ID and Password
- Connect with the Virtual Welcome Center (opens live Zoom) for assistance
- Call our Counseling Support Office: (408) 852-2895
Send us your question/concern and a counselor will respond to you within 48 business hours.
- Probation & Dismissal counseling cannot be completed via email counseling.
- IMPORTANT: Include your Gavilan ID number (unless you do not have one yet) and be detailed so the counselor is able to address all elements of your questions/concerns.
Not sure how to use Self-Service Banner to register for your classes? This video will guide you through the whole process.
Class full? Review this guide to learn more about waitlists and how to get on one.
Take a prerequisite for a course at another college? Follow this process to get cleared to take the course.
Seeing "SR" when trying to register for classes. Check here to see why this might be happening and how you can fix it.
View this guide to learn how to register for a class after it has already started.
New students should view this guide to learn about registering for your first semester classes.
If your academic standing is Academic Dismissal or Progress Dismissal, you must follow these steps in order to petition for re-admission to the college and register for classes.
Academic Support
If you need assistance with your classes, Gavilan provides free tutoring and support through our Tutoring & Writing Center. Tutors are happy to assist you so make sure to reach out for support early!
For additional support with Math specifically, take advantage of the Math Lab. Math tutoring will be available. If you are registered in a math course, log-in to ilearn.gavilan.edu to find the live video link in your STEM Center/Math Lab canvas shell.
Technology Resources
If you need to borrow a laptop or MiFi, you can complete the lending laptop and MiFi request form on the Laptop, MiFi, and Equipment Support website. The service is very popular, be sure to get on the waitlist right away.
You can also access free wifi from Parking Lot C.
Student Services
Gavilan College provides a variety of resources to help you reach your educational goals. Staff is available to assist you in-person (please verify hours beforehand) or remotely via phone or live video. Visit the Online Student Support Services website or In-Person Services website for more information.
You can locate additional information regarding these services on our campus website and in the college catalog.
Accessible Education Center (AEC)
Programs and resources for students with disabilities.
Admissions & Records
Student academic records are kept in the Office of Admissions & Records. It is your responsibility to ensure that all official academic records from all schools attended (high school, college, universities, advanced placement scores, etc.) are turned in to the Admissions & Records Office.
The Office of Admissions & Records is also where you can:
- Add or drop classes (if your add/drop cannot be processed via MyGav/Self Service Banner)
- Request refunds
- Submit official transcripts and test scores (AP, CLEP, IB)
Provides comprehensive supportive services to students receiving or eligible to receive cash aid (TANF/CalWORKs) for themselves or at least one minor child.
Career Education (CE)
Provides students with the skills and opportunities necessary to pursue careers in fields such as nursing, digital media, child development, administration of justice, aviation maintenance, and water resource management.
Gavilan counselors can assist students with academic, career, and life goals. Personal counseling is available on a short-term basis. Mental health counseling is also offered. Students may seek the assistance of any counselor by scheduling an appointment or by dropping in during drop-in hours.
El Centro
Provides resources and referrals for registered Gavilan College students including credit and non-credit students.
Extended Opportunity Program & Services (EOPS)
Support for students facing social, economic, and educational challenges.
Food Pantry
Just In Time Mobile Food Pantry is a grocery-style food distribution program for students, staff, and members of the surrounding Gavilan college community whom are experiencing food insecurity. The program offers a wide selection of foods including fresh produce, dairy items and more. Please note that some items may require refrigeration shortly after pick up.
Resources and services for current and former foster youth.
Fresh Success
Provides comprehensive, supportive services to students receiving or eligible to receive CalFresh (SNAP) benefits, living in Santa Clara County or San Benito County and are timed out of CalWORKs, low income, Latinos, former Foster Youth and/or meet one of the populations identified in the Gavilan College Equity Plan.
Health Services
The Health Services Center provides over-the-counter medications, first-aid supplies, and condoms. Referrals to local health care agencies are available. Students can also contact Health Services regarding the free virtual mental health service Soluna (an app for 13-25 year olds). Covid home test kits are available for free. For more Covid information and resources, visit the Covid-19 website.
Higher Aspirations
This program provides support to students affected by incarceration to help them achieve their educational goals.
Law School Pathway
Students in the program receive early exposure to the law school experience, individual advisement and mentoring from law school advisors, financial aid counseling, LSAT preparation and waived application fees for admission to the participating law schools.
The Gavilan College Library delivers an array of print and electronic resources to the college.
Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA)
Support for disadvantaged students in math, engineering, and science.
Overdose Prevention
The Student Health Center provides opioid overdose prevention medication and fentanyl testing strips. Starting in spring 2024 the campus will hold addiction and recovery support meetings.
Puente Project
A supportive environment combining English instruction, counseling, and professional mentors.
Assistance and support for students pursuing careers/majors in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
Student Athletes
Get assistance and guidance from the Athletics counselor to make sure you are on track for your academics and your sport!
Veterans Resource Center
Resources, services, and a welcoming environment for student veterans.