Library Services
Welcome to the Library! We are here to help. Ask for assistance at the Circulation Desk and/or the Reference desk. Membership is free to all who qualify, with valid photo identification. You don't have to be a student to check out books!
Reference Help
What is reference help? It is getting assistance with a question you have, whether it is for a class or not. We can help you focus your questions and offer tools and suggestions about how to find the best resources to answer those questions.
Ways to contact a reference librarian:
Gilroy Campus:
- In person: look for a large "Reference" sign in the library, or ask at the circulation desk where to find the reference desk.
- By phone: 408-848-4806
- E-mail: reference@gavilan.edu
- Chat: Ask a Librarian
There is a reference librarian to help you anytime the library is open; if we are not open, leave a phone message or send an e-mail, and we'll respond during business hours (Fall & Spring semesters:Mon-Thu 8am-8pm and Fri 8am-3pm, Summer session Mon-Thu 9am-2pm.)
Librarian assistance is available online for Summer 2021. Site information can be found at http://www.gavilan.edu/hollister.
Library Card
Your Gav ID number is your library card. With your Gav ID number you have access to Library resources, including books, eBooks, reserve materials, computers in the Library, electronic databases both on campus and from home, and more.
When we are all back on campus, students, staff and faculty can activate their ASGC card as a library card or get a standalone card in the library during our open hours. Library cards, which allow checking out materials, are available to community residents with a valid photo identification.
The maximum number of items that a patron can have checked out at any one time is ten (10); this can be any combination of books, audiobooks and/or videos, excluding reserve. If additional materials are needed, consult the reference librarian working at that time.
- Reference materials, current periodicals and bound periodicals do not circulate, but can be copied.
- Circulating books and audiobooks can be checked out for three weeks; books are renewable if there is no hold.
- Videos, DVDs and back issues of periodicals can be checked out for one week.
You may renew items that you need to keep longer. Various types of items have different renewal limits.
- Books & Audiobooks: One renewal if there is no hold
- ESL Books: Two renewals
- Videos & DVDs: No renewals
- Reserves: One renewal if there is no waiting. Note: Materials may be renewed online or by telephone after 1pm on weekdays. Call us at (408) 848-4810.
Course Reserves
Some instructors place items on reserve in the Library for you to check out for your class. Ask for these at the circulation desk. The lending period for reserve items varies from 1/2 hour in the library to a week at home, depending on faculty instructions. Reserve items may be renewed once if there is no waiting. The number of items lent depends on your teacher's instructions, and is not included in the ten (10) item limit mentioned above.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
If Gavilan does not own an item that you need, we can usually borrow it for you from a library that does own it. The item would then be delivered to the Gavilan Library, and you could pick it up at the Circulation desk. Ask a librarian for details. More information about Interlibrary Loans.
Book Drop
There is an outside book drop in the northwest corner of the Library entrance. We request you use this only when the library is closed.
Fines for Overdue Items
- Books: 10 cents/day/item, maximum of $24 per year.
- Videos & DVDs: $1.00/day/item, maximum of $36 per year.
- Reserves: $1.00/hour/item, maximum of cost of book.
If library charges are not cleared, checkout privileges, grades, transcripts, and future enrollment privileges will be withheld.
Charges for Lost items
$5.00/item processing fee plus replacement cost of lost item. Note: No overdue fines will be charged on a lost item. If the item is found and returned within 60 days, the replacement cost and processing fee will be refunded, but the overdue fines will then be collected, plus a service charge of $5.00.
Self-Serve Copying and Printing
Photocopies and printing are .10 each. Photocopying machines use coins or small bills; printing requires purchase of Go-Print card (card costs $1 and can be refilled.) Student ID cards can be used and refilled as Go-Print cards.
Library Instruction
Faculty can schedule customized library instruction to support the research students will do for any speeches, written paper, presentations, etc. Topics can include research basics, evaluation of resources, database searching, print information sources, web searching etc. Details about instruction and additional services can be found at http://www.gavilan.edu/library/facultyservices.html.