Associated Students of Gavilan College (ASGC)
Get Involved with ASGC
Fill out our short interest form here is you are considering getting involved in ASGC to get more information! We are looking for new students to join us in Spring 2025.
The $200 Spring 2025 ASGC Textbook Scholarship is open to students with financial need in order to obtain required learning materials. ASGC Textbook Scholarships are awarded on a lottery basis, and you MUST complete the application IN FULL in order to qualify. Please note that a total of 20 scholarships will be awarded for the Fall Semester. The scholarship has a rolling deadline and 4 scholarships will be awarded on the following dates: Friday, January 24th, Monday, January 27th, Wednesday, January 29th, Friday, January 31st. Monday, February 3rd. Click here for detailed information and to apply.
What is the ASGC?
The Associated Students of Gavilan College (ASGC) is the student government at Gavilan College. The ASGC are elected and appointed student representatives who organize and promote campus wide programs, protect student rights, and represent the student voice on campus committees.
Why join the ASGC?
- Incredible leadership opportunities
- Resume builders
- Scholarship opportunities
- Be the voice of the students
- Free leadership conference travel across the state (CCCSAA and SSCCC)
- Create new networks and friends
- Get a step-up for transferring and job opportunities
- Meet and get to know campus Administrators
- Free ASGC Swag, Name Tag, and Graduation Stole
- Free use of Center for Student Life and Leadership Development computers, desks and copier
Mission Statement
The Associated Students of Gavilan College (ASGC) is dedicated to valiantly advocating for our diverse student population. We shall lead by example by creating and maintaining an environment in which integrity, character, courage, and scholarship are of the utmost importance. We shall inform students of campus and community resources, and their rights and responsibilities as students of Gavilan College. We consist of exemplary, academic, and diplomatic leaders who take initiative and strive to meet the educational, multicultural, and socioeconomic needs of our fellow students. We make fair, ethical, and informed decisions at the college, district, and state levels. (Adopted December 2, 2014)
Vision Statement
The Associated Students of Gavilan College (ASGC) advocates as the voice for Gavilan College students through the various Shared Governance committees, councils, and task forces at local, regional, and state levels. (Adopted May 14, 2015) For further information, questions, or suggestions, please contact the ASGC.
ASGC Calendar
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