Gavilan College has contracted with Parchment to provide transcript order, printing, and delivery service.
Transcripts with grades for the most current completed semester will not be available until at least three weeks after the end of that semester (if your grades have been submitted).
A CSU GE/ IGETC Certification may be requested as part of the Transcript ordering process. Follow the instructions below and you will have the opportunity to select this option when placing your order.
Ordering Transcripts Online
Current Students may view Unofficial Transcripts or request Official Transcripts through the myGav Student tab. Choose Unofficial Transcript or Order Gavilan Official Transcript under the Student Records section or Transcripts section.
Previous students without access to myGav, please click the link below to order transcripts. (Online requests made directly through Parchment may require a signature page if your personal information cannot be authenticated.)
Order your Official Transcript through Parchment
All students -- To check the status of a transcript order placed online, click link below and login to your Parchment account to track an order.

If you don't know your PIN
If you haven't attended Gavilan for awhile and do not have or do not know your Gavilan ID number, please follow the link below to view your unofficial transcript.
View and Print Unofficial Transcripts from Gavilan Self-Service Banner
Transcript Processing
Gavilan College has appointed Parchment as the designated agent for processing and sending official electronic transcripts on behalf of Gavilan College. The PDF transcript that is produced using this service contains the identical information as the printed transcript and can be certified as unaltered by uploading the file to the company’s website that is provided during the delivery process. Parchment has been granted the authority to deliver all such electronic transcript requests on behalf of Gavilan College and respond to any inquiries regarding the transactions.
Advantages to Ordering Transcripts Online:
- Expedite your order
- Authorize and process your credit card payment
- Facilitate the authorization to release student records as required by law
- Provide e-mail or fax communication while your order is being processed
- Receive direct support from Parchment via chat/submit a ticket
- Allow you to submit your request any time day or night
- Confirmation e-mail sent when transcript order is complete
In-Person Transcript Pickup
Order the transcript at
Pick-up Requests may be ordered online.
Pick-up Hours: Admissions & Records is open the following hours. Evening pickup may be arranged in advance.
- Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Fridays: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
NOTE: You must bring a photo ID to pick up the transcript. On the order form you may designate someone other than yourself to pick up your transcripts.
Fees and Processing Times for Online Requests
Wherever possible, an electronic transcript will be sent to our college partners accepting these transcript formats. Others will be mailed.
Processing Time: 2 to 3 working days after the order is authorized
Fees: Each transcript costs $7.00 per copy.
FedEx Rush Delivery: Transcripts may be delivered through FedEx. The Standard Overnight service is: Domestic 48 is $18 FedEx fee; Alaska & Hawaii is $21 FedEx fee and International is $41 FedEx fee.
Important Information to Know
- Transcript will NOT be processed unless all outstanding obligations to Gavilan College are cleared.
- Transcript will NOT be processed without student's signature or online authentication.
- Work-in-Progress will automatically be included for currently enrolled courses.
- End-of-semester requests are accepted ONLY DURING FINALS WEEK OR LATER.
- Only Gavilan College grades are issued.
- Multiple transcripts to be sent to the same recipient will be packaged in a large envelope, but will be individually sealed inside.
- In accordance with the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), student written authorization and a copy of a valid photo ID with a signature is REQUIRED to release transcripts in person.
You will want to check that your most current grades are included by viewing your unofficial transcript on Self Service Banner. You may request a transcript pending these grades. End-of-semester requests are accepted only during finals week or later.