Library Services for Faculty

Library Instruction

Librarians provide assignment-based instruction as requested by faculty for their students. Instruction is available for all courses. 


Almost anything you would like your students to read or use may be placed on reserve. Reserves can be print on the shelves in the library or our new online textbook service.

Start the Reserve Request process.


Open Educational Resources

Library Research Guide


Video Resources

Gavilan library has dvds, as well as the Films on Demand and Kanopy streaming services. This guide shows how to access each of these options.

Video at Gavilan


Copyright Resources

Know Your Copy Rights from Association of Research Libraries

Crash Course in Copyright from the University of Texas

Crash Course Tutorial

Copyright Quiz


MS Word Resources

How to Change Default formatting in Word 2007 & 2010 -- Starting with MS Word 2007 the defaults are no longer MLA and APA compliant. If you want to change the defaults to comply, this article is for you.


Gavilan TLC

Teaching and Learning Center -- Located upstairs in the Library, the TLC is a place for faculty and staff to work in the computer lab.