California Dream Application

Under the California Dream Act Laws AB 130 and AB 131, undocumented students who qualify for a non-resident exemption under Assembly Bill 540 (AB 540) can apply for financial aid by filling out a California Dream Act and potentially be eligible for several types of financial aid such as:
- California College Promise Grant (CCPG)
- Gavilan Promise
- Cal Grants
- Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG)
- Chafee Grants for Foster Youth
- Dreamer Service Incentive Grant (DSIG)
- Scholarships
Who is Eligible to File a CA Dream Act Application?
Students who live in California and meet the eligibility requirements of AB 540 (non-resident exemption under Assembly Bill 540) or AB 2000 and students who have a U Visa or Temporary Protected Status (TPS) can file the California Dream Act Application (CADAA).
Eligibility for AB540
- Attended:
- 3 or more years of attendance in a California Elementary or Secondary school or combination thereof.
- 3 or more years at a California high school.
- 3 or more at a California Adult School with a minimum of 420 hours of attendance per school year.
- A combination of these schools with a total of 3 or more years of attendance.
- Graduated from a California high school or
- Received a GED or passed the California High School Proficiency Exam;
- Are registered or enrolled at a California Community College and
- Completed an affidavit saying you have filed (or will file when you are eligible) for legal immigration status.
How to Apply
To be considered for the California Dream Act, you must complete and submit a California Dream Act Application each year that you attend college. Complete and submit the California Dream Act Application by the priority deadline of March 2nd each year. Processing time is approximately two weeks.
Step 1: Determine if you are AB540 Eligible.
- Complete the AB540 (non-resident exemption under Assembly Bill 540) affidavit form.
- Submit the form to the Admissions and Records office.
Step 2: Submit a California Dream Act application
- Be sure to include the Gavilan School Code (001202) on the application.
- Submit by the March 2nd priority deadline
- If you have missed the deadline, please complete the California Dream Act application to be considered for a California College Promise Grant (CCCP) or other aid.
What Happens Next?
Within 2-6 weeks, you will receive a Student Aid Report. Review your Student Aid Report (SAR) carefully. The SAR will inform you if your application is complete, what your estimated EFC is, and if you were selected for verification.
To check the status of your paperwork and/or view any required documents, login to the myGav portal, click on the Student tab, view Financial Aid Requirements, and select the correct Academic Year.
Complete any additional requirements by the priority deadline of May 31st.
Tips and Additional Resources
- AB540 students, including those with DACA, should complete a California Dream Act application and not a FAFSA.
- High School Seniors: Submit a Cal Grant GPA Verification Form
- Continuing Gavilan College students (24+ units), your GPA is electronically sent to the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC).
- Create a Webgrants for Students account for updates on Cal Grant Awards.
- Resources for California Dream Act Application
- Visit Immigrants Rising for information on empowering undocumented students in their pursuit of educational and career goals.