POCR Preparation

Instructor Preparation
A successful review process begins with solid instructor preparation. The skills and principles of effective online course design will translate to a course that meets all alignment points in the OEI Course Design Rubric and accessibility. The CVC-OEI team recommends using the following benchmarks as a guide to prepare instructors for course review.
Take or become familiar with Introduction to Asynchronous Online Teaching and Learning outcomes (taught locally as GOTT 2, or comparable).
Familiarize yourself with the OEI Course Design Rubric.
Let us know the course you are submitting for review. It should be a course from a past semester.
- Send an email with the title of the course and the section number to: disted@gavilan.edu
- We will make a copy. The copy is the course all review work will be done in.
- We will send you an email with the information and the link to the copied course.
Prepare Your Course:
Remove ALL images, folders, documents or other files from Files Folder that are not used in the course.
Run Accessibility checkers:
Use the PopeTech Accessibility tool to run an accessibility report in your course.
Use the tools to fix the "errors"
Run the "Link Validator" and fix all broken links! (Settings>Course Link Validator)
- When you finish your prep work, complete this self assessment and submit it to disted@gavilan.edu. It's ok if you have indicated "not sure" on your form. You can use the links in the form to understand particular criteria on the course design rubric. The review process can help you with this.