Admissions & Records
The role in this partnership is only for identity verification. does not approve admissions or financial aid applications. Please read the guide before beginning your CCCapplication.
I have never attended college or I last attended college while I was still enrolled in High School.
I have taken college courses at Gavilan but missed one or more semesters (not including Summer)
Returning students must apply for admission again before registering for classes.
I have taken college courses at another college/university prior to Gavilan.
Please provide external transcripts to Gavilan before registering.
Official transcripts are required to satisfy course prerequisites, student educational plans, GE Certifications, Federal Financial Aid requirements, and degree and certificate evaluations.
I am enrolling immediately after graduating high school located in the Gavilan Community College District.
The Gavilan Promise provides local high school graduates with a year of free tuition!
I am an eligible student through California legislation AB 540 or SB 68 the California Dream Act or DACA .
Gavilan College is an inclusive college that provides our students exceptional services and support.
Meet our Undocu-Liaison for assistance
I am a High School Student interested in Dual Enrollment to earn college credit.
In conjunction with area high schools, transferable courses are offered at the high school campus.
College & Career Access Pathways (CCAP) are dual enrollment courses that are: .
- Classes during the school day at your high school
- Restricted enrollment to your high school district
- $0 cost to students (no fees, no textbook costs)
- Support and guidance with enrollment process
I am a Veteran or a Veteran Dependent who has not previously attended Gavilan.
I am a student with citizenship from from another country other than the United States seeking an associates degree from Gavilan College .
Not sure how to use Self-Service Banner to register for your classes? This video will guide you through the whole process.
Class full? Review this guide to learn more about waitlists and how to get on one.
Take a prerequisite for a course at another college? Follow this process to get cleared to take the course.
Seeing "SR" when trying to register for classes. Check here to see why this might be happening and how you can fix it.
View this guide to learn how to register for a class after it has already started.
New students should view this guide to learn about registering for your first semester classes.
Gavilan Peer Mentors will be at your assistance in a zoom room. Monday - Friday 8:00am. - 5:00pm.