Saving: Spellcheck, Accessibility Check, Link Check
When you finally click submit to save your webpage, you will be taken through some steps. The first is a spellchecker:
For every misspelling, you can edit, take the suggestion, add it to the dictionary, or ignore it. Click ‘Submit’ to continue
Now it will ask you to correct any accessibility problems. You will need to:
- Describe any picture that you use. If it is mostly for decoration, you can be terse, like “Picture of students”. If the picture conveys useful information, you must do your best to convey that information in your description: “Diagram of the three overlapping areas: instruction, student services, and business.”
- Describe how any table is used: “Each row contains a staff member and their contact information.”
A third and final page will attempt to check that all your links are working. Warning: It often gets outgoing links wrong. Double check, but usually ignore the notices on this 3rd page.
When this is done, you should see a success message.