How Does it Work?
Online classes are the exact same material and time / effort as their in-person counterparts. Expect to spend just as much time as in a traditional classroom.
- To go to your online class, you'll log in to Gavilan's website and login with your ID and password.
- Expect to visit your online class frequently. Each class is different, but it will be your responsibility to log in and check on assignments, homework, discussions, tests and deadlines.
- Your online class will probably involve some of the following elements:
- Discussions on a message board, between you, other students, and the instructor.
- Writing assignments turned in to the instructor. You need to know the due date. Some assignments won't be accepted late. Assignments can either be pasted in to a form in the web page, OR you'll pick out a file to upload.
- Written, audio, or video lectures. Be sure that you have set aside enough time for the material of the class.
- Online quiz or test. These can be time-limited, so be sure you know the details and don't begin until you are ready.
- Since you won't see your instructor or classmates in person, you'll need to communicate online. It is very important to ask questions when you are confused or just need more information. Use the messaging function in iLearn, or just email to contact your instructor when you need to. Don't put this off!