Gainful Employment

As of July 1, 2011, Federal Title IV regulations require all institutions of higher education to disclose completion and cost information about non-degree programs leading to gainful employment in a recognized occupation.
Gainful Employment programs include all programs at public and not-for-profit institutions that do not lead to a degree, that are not fully transferable to a bachelor's degree program or that are not considered to be basic skills or preparatory course work for enrollment in an eligible program.
Recognized Occupations are those identified buy a federal Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code established by the Office of Management and Budget, by an Occupational Network (O*NET-SOC) code established by the U.S. Department of Labor, or those determined by the U.S. Secretary of Education in consultation with the U.S. Secretary of Labor.
Salary Surfer: View median annual incomes for graduates from 179 of the most widely enrolled California community college programs.
Download disclosure information by discipline and certificate
- 43.0107 - CA in Admin of Just-Law Enforc
- 43.0102 - CA in Admin of Justice-Correct
- 43.0107 - CA in Adminisration of Justice
- 43.0107 - CA in Administration of Justice Police Academy
- 15.1301 - CA in Advanced Tech Comp Graph
- 47.0607 - CA in AMT Airframe
- 47.0608 - CA in AMT Powerplant
- 47.0607 - CA in Aviation Maint Tech
- 26.0101 - CA in Biotechnology
- 52.0201 - CA in Bus - Retail Mgmt - WAFC
- 52.0101 - CA in Business
- 11.0601 - CA in Business Computer Applications
- 52.0302 - CA in Business-Accounting
- 52.0201 - CA in Business-Economics
- 52.0401 - CA in Business-Genl Off Skills
- 51.0716 - CA in Business-Medical Office
- 52.1501 - CA in Business-Real Estate
- 46.0201 - CA in Capenter Apprentice
- 19.0709 - CA in CD-Child Dev. and Educational Studies
- 19.0709 - CA in CD-Early Childhood Educ
- 13.1015 - CA in CD-Early Intervention
- 19.0709 - CA in CD-School Age Child Care
- 15.1301 - CA in CG-Environmental Design
- 9.0101 - CA in Communication Studies
- 15.1301 - CA in Comp Graphics and Design
- 12.0401 - CA in Cosmetology
- 12.0401 - CA in Cosmetology-Esthetician
- 11.0103 - CA in CSIS-Bus Comp Appl
- 11.0201 - CA in CSIS-Comp Programming
- 11.0901 - CA in CSIS-Computer Networking
- 11.1003 - CA in CSIS-UNIX
- 11.0803 - CA in DM-Digital Art Imaging
- 10.0303 - CA in DM-Digital Audio Video
- 10.0303 - CA in DM-Interactiv Media Auth
- 46.0404 - CA in Drywall-Lathing Apprent
- 9.0101 - CA in Interpersonal Commun
- 31.0507 - CA in Kinesiology Personal Fitness Trainer
- 51.3801 - CA in Registered Nursing
- 45.0101 - CA in Social Science Community Studies
- 16.0905 - CA in Spanish Non-native Speaker
- 15.1301 - CA in Tech Desktop Publishing
- 50.0501 - CA in THEA TV Performance
- 51.3901 - CA in Vocational Nursing
- 15.0506 - CA in Water Resource Management
- 50.0901 - CA-Music Composition and Production