AEC Programs
Gavilan College provides a variety of programs through the Accessible Education Center (AEC) in an effort to equalize educational opportunities for students with verified disabilities as they move toward their educational or vocational goals. The six program areas include:
Adapted Physical Education
Adapted Physical Education is specifically designed for students with physical and psychological disabilities in order to improve flexibility, increase range of motion, improve circulation and improve physical fitness. Classes include a number of water and gym activities.
This program is offered on campus for the high school special education class graduate or equivalent who may require additional specialized instruction or training for appropriate entry-level employment. Practical job preparation and independent living skills are emphasized in a series of classes designed for individualized progress.
High Tech Center
The Gavilan College High Tech Center was established in 1997 to provide students with verified disabilities access to computers and computer training through state-of-the-art assistive computer technology. With the latest in technological equipment and software, any student, who has a desire and is willing to spend some time, can learn something new or fine tune what they already know.
Learning Skills Program
Specialized instruction is available to any student needing special help. Specialized instruction is handled on a one-to-one basis or with small group instruction in the Learning Center located in the Library building.
The Gavilan College Learning Skills Program has appointments available in the Learning Skills Evaluation course. If you know of any students who might have a learning disability, please refer them to one of our LD specialists in the AEC. The evaluation will give the student information on his or her individual cognitive / perceptual and academic strengths and weaknesses, as well as determining whether or not the student is eligible to receive services from our program.
Vocational Training Program for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
This program is designed to provide training in social development and vocational skills through various activities. Students progress through classes at their individual rates of achievement. In addition to vocational goals, the program seeks to promote in each student self-reliance in the activities of daily living so that he or she may assume a more independent role in or out of the parental home. Classes are offered at the HOPE Services facility in Gilroy and Hollister in conjunction with a work activity program.
WorkAbility III Program - Job Placement Center
This program provides job readiness and job placement for students eligible for the Department of Rehabilitation Services. The program responds to the needs of local employers by matching interests, skills and abilities to specific jobs.