Equal Access To Instructional and College Wide Information
Federal and state regulations (see footer*) require the provision of equal access to educational materials for all individuals with disabilities. Gavilan College has developed the following guidelines to demonstrate the college’s commitment to equal access. Information contained in these guidelines was developed in accordance with the California Community Colleges Guidelines for Producing Instructional and Other Printed materials in Alternate Media for Persons with Disabilities (April 2000).Basic College Responsibility for Providing Alternate Media
The instructional resources or materials used in each course will be reviewed and revised as necessary when the course undergoes curriculum review pursuant to Title V every six years as part of the accreditation process. In the event that a student with a disability enrolls in a course before this review is completed, the college will be responsible for acting in a timely manner to make instructional materials or resources used in the course accessible, unless doing so would fundamentally alter the nature of the instructional activity or result in undue financial and administrative burdens on the district.
Faculty members are encouraged to make textbook selections as far in advance as possible and to avoid changing the selection unless there are compelling reasons. The bookstore should remind faculty members about the need to place orders as early as possible and should process the orders promptly once they are received. In order to provide adequate time for the production of information in alternate media, faculty members are asked to make book selections by the middle of the fall and spring semesters for the subsequent semester.
Faculty are also asked to provide syllabi, handouts and other materials as far in advance as possible and to utilize E-text when available. To allow adequate time for the production of this information in alternate media, faculty members are encouraged to make available course syllabi, handouts and other course materials by the middle of the fall and spring semesters for the subsequent semester/session. Course materials received after that time will be produced in alternate media as quickly as possible but may not be available for the beginning of the semester.
Verification of Disability and Functional Limitations
Once a request for information in alternate media is received, the first step will be to determine whether the person making the request has a disability that requires an alternate media accommodation. Verification of disability is required for students to receive instructional information in alternate media and to determine the alternate media format appropriate for the functional limitation. Instructional material will be provided to the extent possible and reasonable in the alternate media format requested by the student.
Communicating the Availability of Information in Alternate Media
All college publications/communications such as the college catalog, schedules, brochures, website and electronic kiosks will include a statement that “Information is available in alternate media upon request at (408) 848-4865.”
The District Technology committee has established a Section 508 Task Force to monitor the provision of information in alternate media via technology (distance education, websites, electronic kiosks, audiovisual materials and televised courses).
Procedures for Resolution of Complaints Regarding Alternate Media
Complaints regarding the provision of information in alternate media should be referred to the Associate Dean of the AEC. Every effort will be made to resolve the matter on an informal basis. If the matter cannot be resolved in this manner, the complainant should be referred to the Vice President of Student Services or file a formal complaint either through the ADA/Section 504/508 Coordinator. To file a formal complaint, contact the Equal Opportunity Officer, Vice President of Administrative Services, HR 101 at 408-848-4715 or Director of Human Resources, HR 103 at 408-848-4753.
* Federal and State Regulations: California Code of Regulations, Section 55002; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; Assemble Bill 422.