Meet Undocu Liaison: Anthony Grant
by on Feb 3, 2023
What is your full job title?
Program Services Specialist - UndocuLiaison
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in San Diego, Ca.
What is one thing most people do not know about you?
One thing that most people do not know about me is that I am Afro-Latino and that I am fluent in the Spanish Language.
Why are you passionate about your work?
My passion has been to help students who have been underrepresented throughout their educational careers. I grew up as an underrepresented student and fought to not be a statistic. I strive to help underrepresented students win their fights and conquer their educational endeavors.
What services does your office provides?
Financial Aid Application Assistance (California Dream Act "CADAA"), Scholarship & Fellowship Assistance, Financial Aid Literacy, AB-540 Residency Status Assistance, Referral to our Free Immigration Legal Services, Basic Needs Referrals, & Specialized Workshops. Students can find more information here.
Your advice for Undocumented Students?
You’re the one who will have to put in the work it takes to get to college, but building a support network is key. If you’re worried about telling teachers and counselors that you’re undocumented, be aware that, by law, school officials cannot disclose personal information about students — including their immigration status. Most importantly you can confide in me.
Who is the person you admire most?
I don’t just admire one individual, I admire all the individuals who have the visions that I do and that are on this planet to help others strive.
UndocuALLY Task Force: Victor De Reza, Elizabeth Flores, Blanca Melchor, Anthony Grant and Breanna Aguilar.