Theatre Arts Program
Welcome to the Spring 2025 Semester!
Students enrolled in Theatre Degrees gain self-confidence, creativity and teamwork skills through class projects and performances. Theatre encourages students to take risks, to focus and concentrate, and teaches the tremendous power of personal commitment to a project or play. Studying theatre at the college environment allows us to create and learn through a shared artistic experience, and the creation and performance of theatre is an important cultural and social link between Gavilan College and the South Valley Communities.
Open communication, collaboration, creativity, flexible thinking and personal integrity are core values of the Theatre Arts Program at Gavilan College.
Why Study Theatre?
Studying Theatre gives us greater insights into ourselves and the lives of others. It allows us to find our own inner identity, and allows us to change ourselves, using our own personal experiences to create new characters and experiences. Theatre teaches the skills of flexible thinking, focus, creativity, concentration, commitment and teamwork – valuable life skills students can apply to any aspect of their lives or careers.
Students completing the AAs or AA-T in Theatre Arts are prepared to transfer to four-year College programs in Theatre. Gavilan College Theatre Arts students have successfully transferred to and completed BA degrees in Theatre at San Jose State, Cal State Hayward, San Francisco State, several Private Universities such as BYU, and the University of California system including: U.C. Santa Cruz, U.C. Davis and U.C. Berkeley.
Please check out the Student Success Stories to see some of their accomplishments.
Fall 2024 Production:
Sister Fox & Brother Coyote and other Folk Tales
Shows for this full-length, Disney-licensed, Broadway-style theatre production are scheduled to take place from July 28-Aug. 13, 2023 (7:30pm and 1pm) at Gavilan’s Gilroy campus Theater Building. It’s presented by The Christopher Ranch Foundation, Broadway South Bay, Little Theatre Productions and Gavilan; tickets are $25-$50. More information is here:
Dean of Student Learning, Equity, and Student Success for Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences
Noah Lystrup
Division Assistant
Cecilia Ghiorzi
Division Assistant: Arts, Humanities, Social Science & STEM
Social Sciences Building Room 116
5055 Santa Teresa Blvd.
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 848-4701