Article IV. State Organization
- The State Advisory Board shall be composed of the advisors of all chapters in good standing as well as any retired former advisors who accept the Board's invitation to continue serving.
- The State Advisory Board shall have all the powers of governance of this society at the state level not specifically reserved to the Board of Trustees of Alpha Gamma Sigma, Incorporated, by provisions in the bylaws of that board (q.v.).
Section 3. The title of Advisor Emeritus may be granted to any advisor who has served on the State Advisory Board for a minimum of 10 years. Nominations for this honor may be submitted to the Executive Board for their recommendation and presentation to the State Advisory Board for approval. A two-thirds vote shall be required for approval. Upon election, Advisors Emeriti shall be kept in the Alpha Gamma Sigma Advisory Board as long as their addresses are kept current.
Section 4. The Executive Board shall be composed of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Vice-Treasurer of the State Advisory Board and the President, or designee, of the Board of Trustees of Alpha Gamma Sigma, Incorporated. The Executive Board shall transact Advisory Board business of an emergency nature between regular meetings of the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board member(s) mainly concerned with a particular emergency situation shall be invited to take part in the Executive Board's deliberation of the matter.
Section 5. The General Assemblies of Delegates of the Northern and Southern Regions shall be composed of all duly registered chapters attending the two Regional Conferences.
Section 6. The General Assemblies of Delegates of the State Convention shall be composed of all duly registered chapters attending the state convention.