English Instruction
Puente students take two consecutive writing classes, English 250 (Practical Writing) and English 1A (Composition). These classes provide a supportive and stimulating environment for Puente students through the curriculum which integrates Mexican American/Latino literature in combination with a variety of writing exercises.
Puente students work closely with their Puente counselor until they graduate, exploring career options, developing an academic educational plan and identifying lifetime goals. Students visit University of California and California State University campuses and attend an annual Puente student transfer conference. Puente students also take Guidance 6 (Life Skills for Higher Education) and Guidance 1 (Self-Assessment and Career Development).
Each Puente student is matched with a mentor form the business or professional community. Mentors share with students their personal, academic, and career experiences, and provide a window into "real-life" work environments. The network of trained Puente mentors provides many resources for the Puente students, their families, their colleges, and the community.