ByLaws Of The Gavilan College Academic Senate
Welcome to the Spring 2025 Semester!
Section 1: Powers and Function
Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, Division 6, Chapter 4, Subchapter 2, Article 2,
Section 53200 defines the powers, rights, and responsibilities of the Academic Senate in
California Community Colleges. This stipulates that the District Governing Board shall consult
collegially with the Academic Senate when developing policies regarding academic and
professional matters by using either or both of the following methods, according to its own
discretion: 1. Rely primarily upon the advice and judgment of the Academic Senate; 2. That
the District Governing Board, or such representatives as it may designate and the
representatives of the Academic Senate shall have the obligations to reach mutual agreement
by written resolution, regulation, or policy of the governing board effectuating such
The Academic Senate shall present recommendations to the
President/Superintendent of Gavilan College and shall have the right, after such
presentation, to lay its views directly before the Board on any matter pertaining to
the academic and professional matters of the college as defined in Title V of the
California Code of Regulations.
As such, the Academic Senate shall serve an advisory role to the administration and
Board on all academic and professional matters including the following:
1. Curriculum, including establishing prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines.
2. Degree and certificate requirements.
3. Grading policies.
4. Educational program development.
5. Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success.
6. District and college governance structures, as related to faculty roles.
7. Policies for faculty professional development activities.
8. Processes for program review.
9. Process for institutional planning and budget development.
Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation process, including self-study and annual
Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon between the
governing Board and the Academic Senate.
The Academic Senate shall make all appointments of faculty to college-wide
A CSEA department assistant will be provided by the college for the Academic
Senate to take minutes.
Approved by the Academic Senate on 4-25-17
Adopted by the Academic Senate on 5-2-17
Section 1: Duties of the Academic Senate President
1.1 Preside at all meetings convened by the Academic Senate.
1.2 Consult collegially with the Board of Trustees, President’s Council and other appropriate
forums concerning the views of the faculty on any relevant matters when directed to do so
by the Academic Senate.
1.3 Sit with the Board of Trustees at the Board's invitation. If such invitation is not
forthcoming, the Academic Senate President or a representative shall attend Board
1.4 Represent the Academic Senate on the President’s Council.
1.5 Vote upon motions brought before the Academic Senate bodies when his/her vote will
change the result.
1.6 To aid the Academic Senate President in the performance of her/his duties, s/he shall be
granted two-fifths (2/5) reassigned time, adequate equipment and college services, and
office space.
1.7 Make all faculty appointments to Gavilan College committees, in consultation with the
Academic Senate Steering Committee, including college governance committees, faculty
selection committees, tenure review committees and task forces.
1.8 Direct the overall operation of the Academic Senate office and authorize the expenditure of
the Academic Senate budget.
1.9 Represent the Academic Senate as the official voting delegate, in person or by proxy, at all
meetings of the State Academic Senate.
1.10 Meet on a regular basis with the College President to discuss matters of mutual concern
with the Academic Senate.
1.11 Carry out all directives of the Academic Senate and serve as the chairperson of the
Academic Senate Steering Committee.
1.12 Organize Academic Senate and Steering Committee meetings: prepare agendas, review
minutes of previous meetings, coordinate the distribution of information to senators,
provide supplemental information needed for clarification of agenda items and contact
resource speakers who need to attend Academic Senate meetings for informational
Approved by the Academic Senate on 4-25-17
Adopted by the Academic Senate on 5-2-17
1.13 Be conversant about information of concern to the Academic Senate.
1.14 During the times of the year when the Academic Senate does not hold regular meetings,
the Academic Senate President and the Academic Senate Executive Committee shall be
empowered to make decisions for the Academic Senate as outlined in Article XI, Section 1
of these bylaws.
Section 2: Duties of the Academic Senate Vice-President of Academic Affairs
2.1 Serve as the presiding officer at Academic Senate meetings in the absence of the Academic
Senate President.
2.2 Be responsible for compiling and disseminating appropriate Academic Senate information
to the faculty related to Academic Affairs.
2.3 Monitor minutes of Institutional Standing Committees related to Academic Affairs such as
Budget, Strategic Planning, Institutional Effectiveness Committees or other institutional
committees under the purview of the College Vice President of Academic Affairs as
assigned by the Academic Senate President.
2.4 Review and report on accreditation documents, grant proposals and other documents
related to academic affairs sent from the college to various state agencies which require the
Academic Senate’s signature.
2.5 Perform such functions and duties as directed by the Academic Senate President or the
Academic Senate Steering Committee.
2.6 Work closely with the Academic Senate President to learn the functions of that office.
2.7 Sit as a member of and regularly attend meetings of the Academic Senate and the Academic
Senate Steering Committee.
2.8 Desirable Duties:
2.8.1 Attend at least one State Academic Senate Institute and/or Plenary Session (s) per year.
2.8.2 Be a member of and/or attend at least one Institutional Standing committee or Academic
Senate Standing committee.
2.8.3 Aid in drafting position papers or letters.
2.8.4 Review and propose updates to the New Faculty Handbook.
2.8.5 Annually Review Board Policies and Administrative Procedures that pertain to Academic
Affairs and present recommendations to the Academic Senate.
2.8.6 Meet on a regular basis with the College Vice-President of Academic Affairs to discuss
matters of mutual concern with the Academic Senate.
Section 3: Duties of the Academic Senate Vice-President of Student Success
3.1 Serve as the presiding officer at Academic Senate meetings in the absence of the Academic
Approved by the Academic Senate on 4-25-17
Adopted by the Academic Senate on 5-2-17
Senate Vice-President of Academic Affairs.
3.2 Be responsible for compiling and disseminating appropriate Academic Senate information
to the faculty related to Student Success.
3.3 Monitor minutes of Institutional Standing Committees related to Student Success and other
committees under the purview of the College Vice-President of Student Services as
assigned by the Academic Senate President.
3.4 Review and report on Student Success documents, grant proposals and other documents
related to Student Success sent from the college to various state agencies which require the
Academic Senate’s signature such as the Equity Plan and Student Success and Support
Program Plan. Interact with Associated Students of Gavilan College as appropriate.
3.5 Perform such functions and duties as directed by the Academic Senate President or
Academic Senate Steering Committee.
3.6 Sit as a member of and regularly attend meetings of the Academic Senate and the Academic
Senate Steering Committee.
3.7 Desirable Duties:
3.7.1 Attend at least one State Academic Senate Institute and/or Plenary Session (s) per year.
3.7.2 Be a member of and/or attend at least one Institutional Standing Committee or Academic
Senate Standing Committee.
3.7.3 Aid in drafting position papers or letters.
3.7.4 (Create) Review and propose updates to the New Senator Handbook
3.7.5 Annually Review Board Policies and Administrative Procedures that pertain to Student
Success and present recommendations to the Academic Senate.
3.7.6 Meet on a regular basis with the College Vice-President of Student Services to discuss
matters of mutual interest.
Section 4: Duties of the Academic Senate Secretary/Treasurer
4.1 Serve as the presiding officer in the absence of the Academic Senate Vice-President of
Student Success.
4.2 Be responsible for recording, publishing, and distributing the minutes of all Academic
Senate generated meetings.
4.3 Be responsible for the correspondence of the Academic Senate.
4.4 Monitor attendance at Academic Senate meetings and report to the Academic Senate
excessive absences from Academic Senate members.
4.5 Assist the Academic Senate President with the preparation of Academic Senate meeting
minutes, the correction of the minutes and distribution as necessary.
Approved by the Academic Senate on 4-25-17
Adopted by the Academic Senate on 5-2-17
4.6 Prepare a tentative budget and present it to the Academic Senate for adoption.
4.7 Periodically review expenditures of the Academic Senate and report as appropriate.
4.8 Sit as a member and regularly attend meetings of the Academic Senate and the Academic
Senate Steering Committee.
4.9 Update the Academic Senate website and maintaining records of Academic Senate actions
including Senator terms and Academic Senate and Institutional committee appointments.
4.10 Desirable Duties:
4.10.1 Attend at least one State Academic Senate Institute and/or Plenary Session (s).
4.10.2 Be a member of and/or attend at least one Institutional Standing committee or Academic
Senate standing committee.
Section 5: Duties of the Academic Senate Past President
5.1 Serve as the presiding officer at Academic Senate meetings in the absence of the
5.2 For the semester immediately following their term as Academic Senate President, serve as
a member of the Academic Senate and the Academic Senate Steering committee with full
privileges, rights and responsibilities.
5.3 Provide the Academic Senate with a historical perspective when such information is
appropriate and/or requested.
Section 6: Duties of Academic Senate Senators
6.1 Attend all Academic Senate meetings.
6.2 Represent the needs and opinions of their constituents to the Academic Senate.
6.3 Perform liaison functions with governance committees as assigned. These may include:
Budget, Department Chairs, Distance Education, District Technology, Equity, Health andSafety, and Grounds and Facilities committees.
6.4 Regularly inform their constituents as to the business and actions of the Academic Senate.
6.5 Perform other duties as assigned by the Academic Senate President.
6.6 At-large Senators (both FT and PT) shall serve on the Academic Senate Steering
Section 7: Institutional and Academic Senate Standing Committee Academic Senate
7.1 As part of establishing a working Academic Senate, Institutional and Academic Senate
Standing Committee liaisons shall be appointed by the Academic Senate President in
Approved by the Academic Senate on 4-25-17
Adopted by the Academic Senate on 5-2-17
consultation with the Academic Senate Steering committee. Academic Senate liaisons shall
establish collegial communications with the designated committee and keep abreast of
issues of importance to the Academic Senate. Academic Senate liaisons shall report as
necessary at Academic Senate meetings.
Section 1: Election of Officers and At-Large Academic Senate Seats
1.1 The Academic Senate shall form a three-member Election Committee comprised of
Academic Senate members. Members of this committee cannot be candidates in the
1.2 The Election Committee shall send a call to all faculty for a declaration of candidacy for all
Academic Senate Officer seats as well as for the Full-time and Part-time Academic Senate
seats at least seven instructional days prior to the election.
1.3 The call, which must be in writing, shall explain the duties, required documents, desirable
qualifications, the deadline for submission of candidacy and the date of the election.
1.4 The required documents for candidacy must include a letter of interest from the candidate
as well as any other supporting documentation supported by the call.
1.9 The candidate with the majority of Academic Senate votes shall be the Academic Senate
President-elect. If more than one candidate is under consideration, the Academic Senate
shall continue to vote until one of the candidates receives a majority vote of Academic
Senate members present at the meeting.
1.10 All newly elected officers will be highly encouraged to attend all regular Academic Senate
0.5 The call for candidates shall close two instructional days prior to the election.
The Elections Committee shall request the election for Academic Senate Officers as
an action item for the first regular Academic Senate meeting following the call for
candidates period but no later than the last regular Academic Senate meeting of the
last Fall semester prior to the new officers assuming office.
The Elections Committee shall be responsible for putting forth a ballot to the
Academic Senate at such meeting. The position of Academic Senate President shall
be the first item on the ballot. If there is no candidate for Academic Senate
President at the time, the Academic Senate shall direct the Election Committee to,
in accordance to these bylaws, initiate the election procedure again until a candidate
for Academic Senate President is identified.
All Academic Senate members have the ability to vote for Academic Senate
Officers except as outlined otherwise in the Academic Senate Constitution and
these bylaws.
Approved by the Academic Senate on 4-25-17
Adopted by the Academic Senate on 5-2-17
meetings during the Spring semester prior to their taking office in an effort to learn the
responsibilities and duties of their office and the general Academic Senate direction.
1.11 If officers other than that of President have no candidates, the newly elected Academic
Senate President, in consultation with the Academic Senate Steering committee shall
appoint a faculty member to serve the full term of vacant officer seats.
1.12 For the purpose of the Academic Senate Bylaw changes for Spring 2017, the Election
Procedures shall be as follows:
The election process will be the same as Section 1.1 through 1.11 with exception that the
deadline for the election will be the final Academic Senate meeting of Spring 2017. If there
is no candidate for Academic Senate President, the Election Committee will be directed by
th A d i S t t t d th i ti th O th El ti
the Academic Senate to extend the nomination process over the summer. Once the Election
Committee has identified a candidate for Academic Senate President it will request that the
Academic Senate Past President call a Special Meeting. This Special Meeting shall have an
action item solely for the purpose of electing a new Academic Senate President and
Section 2: Election of Senators
2.1 The Academic Senate shall establish and maintain staggered terms; one half of the
Academic Senate seats are elected each year.
2.2 This process shall commence with Fall 2017. Departments, whose seats will expire in
December 2017, will be asked to elect new senators for a two-year term. The second
Academic Senate seat cohort will follow this same process for their departments in Spring
2018 for their terms to begin Fall 2018.
2.3 The Academic Senate President shall notify each department at the beginning of the Spring
semester of Academic Senate seats whose terms are expiring at the end of the academic
2.4 Department Chairs will be responsible for conducting the department elections.
2.5 Department elections shall be held no later than the end of the Spring semester. The results
shall be reported to the Academic Senate President prior to the beginning of summer break.
2.6 New Senators will assume office at the first regular meeting of the Fall semester. At a
minimum each of the following twelve departments, shall be responsible for conducting an
election to select their senator (s):
Fine Arts
Natural Sciences
Social Science
Business and CSIS
Approved by the Academic Senate on 4-25-17
Adopted by the Academic Senate on 5-2-17
Career Technical Education
Allied Health
English as a Second Language
Disability Resource Center
2.7 If a department fails to elect a senator, the Department Chair is asked to be responsible for
assuming that seat until their department elects a new senator.
The following individuals shall be non-voting resources of the Academic Senate and be
afforded a reporting item on every regular Academic Senate meeting agenda:
College President
College Vice-President of Academic Affairs
College Vice-President of Student Services
Associated Students of Gavilan College Representative
Section 1: Academic Senate Seats
1.1 If a department senatorial seat becomes vacant, the appropriate department shall elect a
new senator within two weeks following the declaration of a vacancy.
1.2 If a department fails to elect a senator, the department chair of that department shall be
asked to be responsible for assuming that position, with full rights and responsibilities, until
the department can elect a member.
1.3 If the Full-time At-large Academic Senate seat becomes vacant, the Academic Senate
President shall, in consultation with the Academic Senate Steering Committee, appoint a
replacement as soon as possible.
1.4 If the Part-time At-large Academic Senate seat becomes vacant, the Academic Senate
President shall, in consultation with the Academic Senate Steering Committee, appoint a
replacement as soon as possible.
Section 2: Academic Senate President Vacancy
2.1 If the Academic Senate presidency is vacated, the Academic Senate shall elect a new
Academic Senate President in accordance with the election procedures of these bylaws.
The Vice-President shall serve as Interim President prior to the election.
Approved by the Academic Senate on 4-25-17
Adopted by the Academic Senate on 5-2-17
2.2 If a new Academic Senate President cannot be elected due to a lack of candidates after the
first election cycle, the Academic Senate Vice-President of Academic Affairs shall have the
option of serving as Academic Senate President for the remainder of the term and be
compensated accordingly in a pro-rated manner.
2.3 If the Academic Senate Vice-President of Academic Affairs is unwilling or unable to
ascend to the office of Academic Senate President according to Section 2.2 above, the
Academic Senate Vice-President of Student Success shall have the option of serving as
Academic Senate President for the remainder of the term and be compensated accordingly
in a pro-rated manner.
2.4 If neither the Academic Senate Vice-President of Academic Affairs nor the Academic
Senate Vice-President of Student Success are willing or able to ascend to the office of
Academic Senate President, then the Election Committee shall initiate elections procedures
outlined in Article III, Section 1 of these bylaws.
Section 3: Officer Vacancy
3.1 If an Academic Senate Officer seat becomes vacant, the Academic Senate President shall,
in consultation with the Academic Senate Steering Committee appoint a replacement for
in consultation with the Academic Senate Steering Committee, appoint a replacement for
the remainder of the term and the new Officer shall be compensated, when applicable, in a
pro-rated manner.
Section 1: Senators
1.1 Academic Senate resignations must be submitted in writing to the Academic Senate
1.2 A senator shall be removed from office on written petition of two-thirds or more of the
department faculty members s/he represents. The resulting vacancy shall be addressed
according to the provisions of Article V, Section 1 of these bylaws.
1.3 A two-thirds majority of the Academic Senate may recommend removal of any senator who
misses two consecutive Academic Senate meetings or who fails to meet minimum
Academic Senate responsibilities as outlined in Article II, section 6. Such removal may be
initiated by any senator at any regularly scheduled Academic Senate meeting. Notification
of the removal shall be made in writing to the appropriate electing body by the Academic
Senate President. The resulting vacancy shall be addressed according to the provisions of
Article V, Section 1 of these bylaws.
1.4 A two-thirds majority of the Academic Senate may recommend removal of any Academic
Senate Officer that misses two consecutive regular Academic Senate meetings or who fails
Approved by the Academic Senate on 4-25-17
Adopted by the Academic Senate on 5-2-17
to meet minimum Academic Senate responsibilities as outlined in Article II, sections 1-5. Such
removal may be initiated by any senator at any regularly scheduled Academic Senate
meeting. Notification of the removal shall be made in writing to the appropriate Officer.
The resulting vacancy shall be addressed according to the provisions of Article III, Section
1 of these bylaws.
1.5 If the electing body does not replace the absent senator within the time frame outlined in
this document, the Academic Senate President may appoint a qualified faculty member to
fill the vacant position for the remainder of the term.
Section 1: Standing and ad hoc committees
1.1 Standing and ad hoc committees shall be established as the need arises and with the
approval of the Academic Senate. The Academic Senate shall have the power to create such
committees as it deems necessary, and such committees shall be known as “Academic
Senate Standing Committees.” Members will be appointed by the Academic Senate from
within the Academic Senate, or if desired, from outside the Academic Senate.
Section 2: Academic Senate Standing Committees
2.1 In accordance with Board Policy 2510, the Academic Senate primary function is to make
recommendations to the administration of the College and the Board of Trustees with
respect to academic and professional matters. In order to fulfill this function, the Academic
Senate establishes the following Academic Senate Standing Committees:
1. Curriculum Committee
2. Faculty Professional Learning Committee
3. Learning Council
4. Academic Senate Steering Committee
5. Equivalency Committee
6. Executive Committee
2.2 Each Academic Senate Standing committee shall define and adopt its own procedures,
subject to approval by the Academic Senate and restrictions contained in the bylaws and
other regulations of the Academic Senate. Each committee shall establish quorum
requirements consistent with requirements of the Academic Senate bylaws.
2.3 An Academic Senate Standing Committee’s primary functions and bylaws shall be included
as an appendix to these bylaws and reviewed annually by both the committee and the
Academic Senate Steering Committee.
2.4 All authority and responsibilities of these Academic Senate Standing Committees shall be
exercised through the Academic Senate Steering Committee. Academic Senate Standing
Committees may appoint sub-committees or work groups, which are responsible to the
parent committee.
Approved by the Academic Senate on 4-25-17
Adopted by the Academic Senate on 5-2-17
2.5 Upon the creation of a new Academic Senate Standing Committee or the pending vacancy
or vacancies of an existing committee for members other than the chairperson, the
Academic Senate President, in the name of the entire Academic Senate, shall notify all
faculty of the vacancy or vacancies. This notice must include the specific goals and
purposes of the committee and the specific responsibilities of the committee members.
2.6 Faculty appointments to all Academic Senate Standing Committees must be approved by
the Academic Senate by a simple majority vote.
2.7 Nothing in this process can conflict with the Gavilan College Hiring Policy.
2.8 At the Academic Senate’s discretion and in consultation with the Associate Students of
Gavilan College, students may be appointed to committees. Student representatives may
have the same voting privileges as faculty members.
Section 3. Ad Hoc Committees
3.1 The Academic Senate may form and recommend membership of ad hoc committees as
needed to conduct Academic Senate business. The following ad hoc committees are of
special significance to the Academic Senate:
1. Non-credit Instruction
2. Faculty of the Year
Section 4: Shared Governance Committees
4.1 Shared governance committees are a reflection of the spirit and requirement of AB 1725
shared governance. AB 1725 not only enables, but demands faculty participation in the
governance of matters at the local district level. Doing so ensures necessary faculty input
on matters concerning the development of sound policy and maintenance of quality
academic standards. Consequently, active membership and participation on shared
governance committees is essential to the charge of the Academic Senate and the mission
of the District.
4.2 The official institutional Shared Governance Standing Committees requiring faculty
participation shall be identified in the College Shared Governance Handbook.
4.2.1 Other collegial institutional governing committees involving shared governance that
will involve faculty participation may include: Accreditation, Educational Master Plan,
Equal Opportunity Employment (EEO), Enrollment Management, Distance Education and
Strategic Planning.
4.3 Any member of the faculty of Gavilan College shall be eligible for appointment to
membership on committees, and all committee appointments shall be made by the
Academic Senate President in consultation with the Academic Senate Steering Committee
and with the consent of the Academic Senate.
Approved by the Academic Senate on 4-25-17
Adopted by the Academic Senate on 5-2-17
4.4 Academic Senate Standing Committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the President of
the Academic Senate in consultation with the Academic Senate Steering Committee.
Chairpersons of Standing Committees, in addition to being members of the Academic
Senate Steering Committee, shall serve as liaisons between the committee and the
Academic Senate and shall make regular committee reports to the Academic Senate.
4.5 All committee actions shall be submitted to the Academic Senate for evaluation followed
by acceptance, return to the committee for reconsideration, or other appropriate action prior
to going to the next higher level and/or the Board of Trustees.
4.6 The Academic Senate President shall notify all faculty of chairperson opportunities one full
semester prior to the end of the incumbent chairperson’s term ending. Such a call shall
request letters of interest outlining qualifications for the faculty member wanting to assume
the position of chairperson.
4.7 The appointment (s) of committee chairperson shall be made at the beginning of Spring
semester when possible.
4.8 If a committee chairperson position becomes vacant during a chairperson’s term, the
Academic Senate President, in consultation with the Academic Senate Steering Committee,
shall appoint a chairperson for the remainder of that term.
Section 6: Academic Senate Steering Committee
6.1 Members of the Steering Committee include:
Academic Senate President
Academic Senate Vice-President of Academic Affairs
Academic Senate Vice-President of Student Success
Academic Senate Secretary/Treasurer
Academic Senate Past President (one semester following their presidency)
Full-time, At-large Senator
Part-time, At-large Senator
Faculty Professional Learning Committee chairperson
Curriculum Committee chairperson
Learning Council chairperson
Institutional Effectiveness Committee chairperson
Department Chair Committee Co-chair (faculty)
Distance Education Committee chairperson
Academic Senate Equivalency Committee chairperson
President of Gavilan College Faculty Association or designee.
6.2 Functions of the Academic Senate Steering Committee:
The Academic Senate Steering Committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of
the Academic Senate between its regular business meetings, determine the hour and place
of Academic Senate meetings, make recommendations to the Academic Senate, and help
set the agenda for Academic Senate meetings. The Academic Senate Steering Committee
shall strive to meet once a month during the Fall and Spring semesters.
Approved by the Academic Senate on 4-25-17
Adopted by the Academic Senate on 5-2-17
6.3 Duties of Academic Senate Steering Committee:
6.3.1 Give direction to the Academic Senate.
6.3.2 Act as advisor to the Academic Senate President.
6.3.3 Help set the agenda for Academic Senate meetings.
6.3.4 Recommend to the Academic Senate faculty appointments for governance, standing
committees, selection committees and special task forces.
6.3.5 Define and recommend the goals of the Academic Senate each year.
6.3.6 Form and recommend membership of ad hoc committees to the Academic Senate.
6.3.7 Monitor and report on the activities of governance, standing and ad hoc committees.
6.3.8 Report on State Academic Senate Fall and Spring Institutes and/or Plenary Sessions.
6.3.9 Assist with the orientation of new full-time and part-time faculty.
6.3.10 Evaluate and make recommendations pertaining to the effectiveness of the
Academic Senate and Academic Senate Standing Committees at the end of each year.
6.3.11 Review the Academic Senate constitution and bylaws each year and make
recommendations to the Academic Senate.
6.4 The Academic Senate Steering Committee may establish “Ad-Hoc” committees or “Work
Groups” to accomplish specific tasks. Upon completion of these tasks, these committees or
groups may be dissolved or approved as a standing committee. Membership on ad-hoc
committees or groups shall be approved by a majority vote of a quorum of the Academic
Section 7: Academic Senate Executive Committee
7.1 Members of the Academic Senate Executive Committee:
Academic Senate President
Academic Senate Vice-President of Academic Affairs
Academic Senate Vice-President of Student Success
Academic Senate Secretary/Treasurer
7.2 Functions of the Academic Senate Executive Committee:
The Academic Senate Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of
the Academic Senate during times when the Academic Senate is on recess and take actions
as outlined in Article XI, Section 1.1 of these bylaws.
If circumstances requiring Academic Senate action should arise which are not provided for in
the Academic Senate Constitution or these bylaws, the Academic Senate may take any
necessary action by two-thirds vote of the Academic Senate.
Section 1: Scheduled Meetings
Approved by the Academic Senate on 4-25-17
Adopted by the Academic Senate on 5-2-17
1.1 The Academic Senate shall strive to meet at least two times each month during the Fall and
Spring semesters.
Section 2: Special Meetings
2.1 Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Academic Senate President or by
four or more Academic Senate members and in accordance to Brown Act requirements.
Section 1: Academic Senate Quorum
1.1 A quorum of the Academic Senate shall consist of one more than 50% of the number of
Senators that comprise the Academic Senate. For the purposes of establishing quorum, all
elected officers present shall count towards the quorum count.
Section 2: Academic Senate Action
2.1 Any action taken by the Academic Senate shall be by a majority vote with the exception of
those actions noted in these bylaws requiring greater majorities.
Section 1: Meetings During Semester Breaks
1.1 During school breaks the Academic Senate shall go on recess and the Academic Senate
Executive Committee shall meet as needed. During such times, the Academic Senate
President, in consultation with the Academic Senate Executive Committee, has the power
to make decisions on behalf of the Academic Senate and subject to later approval by the
Academic Senate. All such actions must be reported to the Academic Senate for their
information as soon as is feasible. During time when school is not in regular session, a
written report to senators and/or faculty will be made of any significant actions taken. At no
other time shall individuals or committees make decisions on behalf of faculty without
prior consent and subsequent approval by the Academic Senate.
Section 1: Bylaws Review
1.1 Senators and the Academic Senate Steering Committee, on an annual basis, shall review the
Academic Senate bylaws with members of their departments and bring to the Academic
Senate suggestions for changes.
Section 2: Bylaws Amendment
Approved by the Academic Senate on 4-25-17
Adopted by the Academic Senate on 5-2-17
2.1 These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Academic Senate. Proposed
amendments shall be distributed to all faculty for informational purposes at least seven
days prior to Academic Senate action.
Approved by the Academic Senate on 4-25-17
Adopted by the Academic Senate on 5-2-17