Enrollment Management
Gavilan College Strategic Enrollment Management Plan 2023-2028
Stated Goals of the Enrollment Management Plan
Goal 1: Increase campus-wide awareness of and involvement in the principles of Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM)
Goal 2: Increase Access, Retention, Completion Rates and Close the Equity Gaps
Goal 3: Re-establish Gavilan as the College of Choice for Students from Santa Clara and San Benito Counties
Goal 4: Integrate SEM with College Guided Pathways Framework Adoption efforts and initiatives
Goal 5: Maintain clear, accurate degree and certificate program maps in Program Mapper, including the identification and verification of hidden prerequisites
Goal 6: Develop a vision for the Distance Education program that emphasizes flexibility and quality to expand enrollment.
Goal 7: Increase conversion of Adult Education and English Language Learners (ESL) to Gavilan College degree and certificate programs
Goal 8: Invest in the Hollister Campus to increase enrollment and achieve center-level status
Goal 9: Increase Efficiency and Sustainable Fiscal Health
Measurable Outcomes for Goals
Clarify the Path: Increase the number of students who apply and enroll at Gavilan College.
Enter the Path: Increase the number of students who attempt and complete transfer-level English and Math in their first year and at least nine (9) units in their course of study.
Stay on the Path: Increase the number of students that persist from fall-to-spring and fall-to-fall semesters while completing 24 units in their first year.
Ensure Learning: Increase the number of students reaching their career and educational goals (certificate, degree, or transferring).