Board of Trustees Goals, 2022
The Gavilan Board of Trustees is adopting the following goals, thereby committing itself to promoting a culture of continuous improvement by:
- regularly reviewing goal-specific data to inform its decisions;
- working collaboratively to support administration, faculty, staff, and students as they complete the work outlined in the Strategic Plan and Vision for Success consistent with the Principles of Community: Diversity, Inclusiveness, Purposefulness and Equity;
- and fully supporting the implementation of Guided Pathways as the primary strategy to increase student success
Goal # 1: Student Success and Equity
From a Baseline of June 2019 to June 2023:
This goal is reflective of the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan
- Within three years, increase the number of students completing associates degrees, credentials, certificates, or specific skill sets that prepare them for in-demand jobs by 7%.
- Within three years, decrease the average number of units taken by graduates from 89 units to 79 units.
- Within three years, increase the proportion of CE graduates employed in their field of study by 4%.
- Within three years, reduce equity gaps across all of the above measures among targeted student groups by 20%.
- The Board will receive a brief report at the monthly Board of Trustees meetings and analysis of student success data, using the custom data dashboard, along with recommendations. More detailed reports will be provided annually to the Board.
- The Board will support an intentional focus on student health and wellness through the District’s continued student support services such as El Centro and will explore local partnerships to bring additional resources to students as we recover from the impacts of the pandemic.
- The Board will receive periodic reports on the implementation of the Guided Pathways Initiative.
- The Board will receive a comprehensive report on strategic enrollment management including enrollment trends, recruitment and reenrollment strategies, student barriers, and fiscal and program impacts.
- Monthly Fiscal Reports
- Student Success Reports (preliminary in June, annual report in January). These reports are available on the Chancellor’s Office Dashboard and on Tableau and will be included in reports at the monthly regular board meetings.
Goal #2: Continued Successful Implementation of Measure X
- The Board will review specific project aspects for optimal instructional delivery, including impact of technology/online learning.
- The Board will receive comprehensive Measure X project status reports, semi-
- The Board will make transparent and timely decisions regarding any reassignment of projects or funding modifications as
- The Board will engage the community and staff in the development of Measure X project
- The Board will support a comprehensive communication plan to inform stakeholders of Measure X
- Progress tracked via the Measure X website.
- Annual Citizen’s Oversight Committee Report
Goal #3: Fiscal Stability and The Effective Use of Resources
- The Board will adopt a balanced 2022-2023 budget that is responsive to the recommendations of our auditors, FCMAT, the 5-year sustainability task force, and ensures the long-term sustainability of the district.
- The Board will review the FCMAT recommendations for budget monitoring and development, upon their completion, and will adopt a calendar for implementation of changes.
- The Board will review district budget reports,
- The Board will hold in-depth budget workshops semi-annually.
- The Board will be transparent in its budget and resource allocation decision-making.
- The Board will implement budget guidelines for the development of the District’s annual budget that incorporates recommendations from the Budget and Audit Planning Committee and the FCMAT report.
- Monthly Fiscal Reports
- FCMAT Recommendations
- Annual Audit Reports
Goal #4: Board Effectiveness and Collegiality
- Board members will participate in professional development activities such as state and regional conferences, and local training in Ethics, the Brown Act, Title IX, Equity, and Guided Pathways.
- Board members will participate in the Board’s annual self-evaluation process to identify areas of needed
- The Board will adopt engagement and active strategies to increase civility, collegiality, and demonstrate support for the District and the communities we serve.
- The Board will develop, in cooperation with the President of the college, a new evaluation instrument that reflects the “Ten qualities of exceptional CEOs” and with BOT goals by May
- Board members will increase the visibility and accessibility of the Board across the campus and in the community by attending on- campus and off-campus events as representatives of the
- Board members will advocate on behalf of the college for public support at the local, state, and national levels, including advocating for or against relevant legislative proposals, and for adequate
- The Board will actively follow the Vision for Success Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Task Force Guidelines.
- The Board will successfully complete the search for a new Superintendent/President which will include a transition and Board engagement process.
- Goal Summary Report S
- Board Self-Evaluation
Goal #5 Board Policy Updates
- In accordance with the district’s adopted schedule, the Board will complete the discussion and modification of Chapter 2 policies.
- The Board Policy Committee will review policies as completed through the district participatory governance
- The Board will ensure incorporation of diversity, equity and inclusion language in all District policies and procedures.
- Completion and adoption of updated Board policies contained in Chapter 2 by June 30,
- Goal Summary Report
- Board Self Evaluation