Tuesday, April 8, 2008
CLOSED SESSION – 6:00 p.m.
OPEN SESSION – 7:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Mark Dover at 6:02 p.m.
1. Roll Call
Trustees: Mark Dover, Deb Smith, Elvira Robinson, Leonard Washington, Kent Child, Laura Perry, Tom Breen
2. Recess to closed session
The Board recessed to closed session at 6:02 p.m.
II. OPEN SESSION 7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Mark Dover at 7:06 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Mark Dover, Deb Smith, Elvira Robinson, Leonard Washington, Kent Child, Tom Breen, Andrew Williams
Dr. Victor A. Krimsley, Acting President
Joe Keeler, Vice President of Admin. Services
John Pruitt, Vice President of Student Services
Rosie Armstrong, Professional Support Staff
Suzanne Bulle, Recording Secretary
Others in Attendance: Fran Lozano, Sherrean Carr, Diana Alfaro, Elizabeth Sanford, Carol McEwan
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Student Trustee Williams led the pledge of allegiance.
4. Report of any action taken in closed session
No action taken in closed session
5. Consent Agenda
MSC (Smith/Washington) to approve consent agenda.
Brian Spohr
6. Approval of Agenda
MSC (Smith/Robinson) Remove action items L & M from the agenda Perry/Child
7. Comments from the Public - This is a time for the public to address the Board
8. Officers' Reports
(a) Vice Presidents
Joe Keeler reported that the cafeteria initiated an extra fee for those using credit cards. After meeting with the Café manager it was decided that a credit card can be used with a minimum purchase of $6.00. Board Budget and Facilities Committee meetings will be scheduled sometime in April. At the May 13 board meeting a request will be submitted to award a contract for the Phase II parking lot. At the June 10 board meeting a request will be submitted for a bid to award a contract for the Humanities and Art and Music renovation project.
John Pruitt reported that registration begins in 3 weeks and there has been significant progress in banner training.
Vic Krimsley announced that Steve Kinsella’s surgery went well today and acknowledged Fran Lopez as Interim Vice President of Instruction.
Vic Krimsely thanked Sherrean Carr for her work on brining the carpenter apprenticeship program to Gavilan and developing curriculum on 17 new courses. The program is projected to generate 125 FTES. Vic thanked faculty for their cooperation and assistance in drafting language to board policies and administrative procedures. The principle changes are in the allowable number of repetitions for substandard work, the limitations on the number of withdrawals and the elimination of the generic transfer studies degrees. From this point forward all degrees will have to have a clear major or an area of emphasis.
Upcoming Events:
Puente Celebration Program - April 26
Financial Aid Scholarship Ceremony - May 9
Staff Recognition Dinner Dance - May 16
Graduation May 23
(b) College President
Vic Krimsley thanked Steve Kinsella and the Board for the confidence placed in him to serve as Acting President.
(c) Academic Senate
No report
(d) Professional Support Staff
Rosie, acknowledged Carol McEwan, CSEA President, in the audience. Staff is currently in negotiations and recruiting for hiring committees. Proceeds from a recent garage will go towards scholarships. A resolution, submitted by CSEA President, Carol McEwan, is on the agenda for action to declare May 18-24 as California School Employees Week.
(e) Student Representative
Student Trustee Williams reported that students are working on several issues: non smoking policy, eliminating Styrofoam containers, pigeons, resurfacing and painting tables, campus clean up day, and preparing for elections at end of April. Five students and the ASB Advisor will be attending the States Senate General Assembly in Los Angeles. Student Trustee Williams thanked Gavilan for the opportunity to attend the San Benito County Joint Boards of Trustees meeting.
ASB President, Diana Alfaro announced Gavilan and CSUMB will be co-hosting the Northern California Writing Association Conference. Kimberly Smith will be assisting with coordination.
(f) Board Member Comments
Trustees Robinson and Child attended the Joint Boards of Trustees meeting in Hollister.
Trustee Washington thanked Vic Krimsley for accepting the appointment as Acting President.
(g) Board President
No report
- Board Committee Reports
10. Information/Staff Reports
(a) Monthly Financial Report
Joe stated the budget was stable for 2007-08.
(b) Amendments to Board Policies and Administrative Procedures-First Reading
Presented for information
1. Old Business
(a) Board Policy 1200 District Mission
MSC (Perry/Washington) reference to instructional/support services by providing high quality no slash replace with and
2. New Business
(a) Curriculum
MSC (Perry/Child) to approve curriculum.
(b) Classified School Employees Week, Resolution No. 892
MSC (Robinson/Smith) to approve resolution no. 892 on a roll call vote.
(c) Citizens’ Oversight Committee Appointment
MSC (Perry/Breen) to approve citizens’ oversight committee appointment; Elizabeth Sanford was introduced as the Gilroy At Large representative.
(d) Basic Skills Initiative Planning Matrices and Budget
MSC (Child/Smith) to approve basic skills initiative planning matrices and budget.
(e) Memorandum of Understanding with Bethany University
MSC (Perry/Robinson) to approve Memorandum of Understanding with Bethany University; John Pruitt noted that Gavilan College employees are eligible to enroll in classes tuition free.
(f) CCCT Board Election 2008
Nomination: Paul Fong (Trustee Perry), Anita Greer (Trustee Washington), Ohlone rep (Trustee Dover), Charles (Trustee Child), Mary Figueroa (Trustee Robinson),
MSC (Perry/Williams) to close nominations and submit nominees on the ballot.
(g) Budget Adjustments
MSC (Smith/Perry) to approve budget adjustments.
(h) Extend Contract with District Financial Auditor
MSC (Child/Robinson) to extend contract with district financial auditor.
(i) Extend Cafeteria Facility Lease Agreement
MSC (Child/Perry) to extend cafeteria facility lease agreement.
(j) Rescission of Award to NetVersant Northern California, Inc. Bid for PBX, Telephones, and Voice Mail Project
MSC (Child/Breen) to approve rescission of award to NetVersant Northern California, Inc. bid for PBX, Telephones, and Voice Mail Project; company could not meet state requirements.
(k) Award Altura Communication Solutions Bid for PBX, Telephones, and Voice Mail Project
MSC (Smith/Williams) to approve award to Altura Communication Solutions bid for PBX, Telephones, and Voice Mail Project.
(l) Kitchell Project Assignment Amendment (PAA) for San Benito County Campus-Portables for Interim Housing Project
Item removed from agenda
(m) BFGC Architect Planners, Inc. (BFGC) Project Assignment Amendment (PAA) for San Benito County Campus-Portables for Interim Housing Project and First Amended PAA to Phase II Site Improvements Project
Item removed from agenda
(n) Various Capital Project Change Orders
MSC (Perry/Child) to approve various capital project change orders.
1. The next regularly scheduled Board meeting is May 13, 2008, City Council Chambers, Hollister.
2. The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 p.m.
*Roll Call Vote
MSC (Motion/Second/Carried)