General Office Skills
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Students will have entry-level office skills. For those who do not already have a degree, the A.A. option is preferred by employers.
Program Learning Outcomes
After completing this degree or certificate a student will demonstrate the ability to solve mathematical problems involved in common business applications, using electronic calculator and/ or computer.
Program Requirements (9 - 19 UNITS)
- CSIS8 Introduction to the Internet (1)
- MATH402 Pre-Algebra (3)
- MATH411 Integrated Pre-Algebra(6)
Choose One:
- ACCT20 Financial Accounting (4)
- ACCT103 General Office Accounting(3)
Choose One:
- CSIS1 Computer Literacy - MS Office(2)
- CSIS2L or Computers in Business Lab (1)
- CSIS2 Computers in Business (4)
Choose One:
- ECON1 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
- BUS1 Fundamentals of Business(3)
Choose One:
- BOT191A Workplace Skills (1)
- BOT191B Workplace Skills (1)
- BOT191C Workplace Skills (1)
Choose One:
- BOT100 Business Correspondence (3)
- ENGL250 Practical Writing (3)
Additional Requirements (4.5 - 6.5 Units)
- CSIS112 Keyboard Speed Building(0.5-1)
- CSIS122 Computer Keyboarding (0.5-1)
- CSIS124 Windows Fundamentals (1)
- BOT112 Business Computations with Machines (0.5)
- CSIS126 Word Processing - MS Word(2)
Choose 6 units from the following list
- CSIS6 or Webpage Authoring (3)
- DM6 Webpage Authoring (3)
- CSIS7 or Web Page Authoring II (2)
- DM7 Web Page Authoring II (2)
- CSIS73 or Desktop Publishing - Adobe lnDesign (3)
- DM73 Desktop Publishing - Adobe lnDesign (3)
- CSIS75 or Photoshop I - Adobe Photoshop (3)
- DM75 Photoshop I - Adobe PhotoShop (3)
- CSIS120 or Computerized Accounting - QuickBooks (3)
- ACCT120 Computerized Accounting - QuickBooks (3)
- CSIS121 or Spreadsheet - MS Excel (1 - 2)
- ACCT121 Spreadsheet - MS Excel (1 - 2)
- DM74 or Advanced PhotoShop (3)
- CSIS74 Advanced PhotoShop (3)
- DM85 or Web Development and Design (3)
- CSIS85 Web Development and Design (3)
- BUS14 or Personal Finance (3)
- ECON14 Personal Finance (3)
- ACCT105 Payroll Accounting (3)
- ACCT111 Introduction to Income Tax (3)
- CSIS132 Intermediate Word Processing - MS Word (2)
- CSIS134 Intermediate Excel (2)
For the Associate Degree, Complete General Education Requirements (35-39)
A student may complete the Gavilan College A.A./A.S. general education, the CSU-GE Breadth or the IGETC pattern, plus sufficient electives to meet a 60 unit total. See counselor for details.
NOTE: A course may be used to satisfy both general education and major courses. See”Double Counting Rule".