RA resources:
Reading Apprenticeship based books we have on campus for your reading pleasure: We are happy to announce that we will have multiple copies of the following texts in the TLC for faculty to borrow:
Reading for Understanding: How Reading Apprenticeship Improves Disciplinary Learning in Secondary and College Classrooms -- this introductory text explains the RA framework and provides basic tools and strategies to use in class.
Leading for Literacy: A Reading Apprenticeship Approach -- this follow- up text to Reading for Understanding “provides clear, on-the-ground guidance, tools, and examples for improving student reading across secondary schools and colleges.”
Rethinking Preparation for Content Area Teaching: The Reading Apprenticeship Approach – in this text “the authors show how Reading Apprenticeship can strengthen content-based instruction, how elements of the model can be embedded in teacher preparation curricula, and what types of course activities enable new teachers to understand and practice this approach.”
Come by the TLC to check them out, or visit the RA publication page to learn more.
Free Downloadable Resources from 3CSN.