Sera Hirasuna
831-200-9106 (cell)
Fall 2022 Teaching Schedule
Eng 1A Thurs., 6-8:05pm on Zoom + asynchronous class
Office Hours
Mon 12-1PM (Zoom)
Wed 8-9PM (Zoom)
MA in English, San Jose State Univ.
MA in Psychology, Inst. of Transpersonal Psychology
BA English, Univ. of Hawaii
About Me
I was born on a plantation on Hawaii but have lived here in CA for more years, so I guess I'm a proud Californian! Since most of our grandchildren live in CA, I guess I'm here to stay. 🙂
Love dancing & writing poetry, teaching English, teaching dance, eating new ethnic foods, taking classes, Salinas, watching British murder mysteries, beaches, being with students, family (especially sons and grandchildren), England, friends, French pastries, boba teas, other dancers, fellow teachers, hubby and our "only-child-spoiled-rotten" senior "puppy."