Public Safety
Emergency Response Plan Burns Choking CPR Fainting and Shock Fractures & Sprains Heart Attack Rescue Breathing Seizures
- Call for HELP- 911 or Campus Police at 848-4703
- Let the seizure run its course
- Help victim lie down/keep from falling
- Remove nearby objects that may cause injury
- Loosen restrictive clothing
- DO NOT use force or attempt to restrain a seizure victim
- DO NOT attempt to force anything into the victim's mouth.
- After Seizure Check to see if breathing. If not, begin Rescue Breathing
- If no heartbeat, begin CPR
- Check for Medic Alert bracelet or necklace
- Comfort the person and stay until the person is fully conscious
- Bystander Compression-Only CPR
- Direct someone to call for HELP
- Place heel of your hand on patients breastbone (try to avoid pressing directly on the bottom of the breastbone)
- Keep elbows locked and arms straight, push down firmly 2 inches with only heel of hand touching chest
- Release
- Repeat until help arrives. Aim for 100 compressions per minute.
- AED's are located: Student Health Center or Campus Police
Heart Attack
- Call for HELP
- Help victim rest in comfortable positions; sitting position make breathing easier
- Ask/Look for emergency medical ID
- Assist with prescribed medication
- Be prepared to give CPR
If victim is not breathing:
- Call for 911
- Request and Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
- Immediately begin Rescue Breathing
- If you cannot detect a heart rate - begin CPR
- Call for HELP
- Immerse burned area in cool water; flood chemical burn with cool water for 20 minutes.
- Do not apply uncovered ice directly to burn. Do not apply butter or ointment to the burn.
- Cover burn with clean dry bandages
- Keep victim quiet and comfortable
- When to call 911:
- Involve trouble breathing
- Cover more than one body part or 10% of body surface
- Are located on the head, neck, hands, feet or genitals
- Area result from chemicals, explosions, or electricity
Rescue Breathing
- Call for HELP
- Tilt victim's head back and & open airway
- Close victim's nostrils with your fingers
- Take a deep breath & place your mouth over the victim's
- Look at the victim's chest rise & give 2 slow breaths - watch chest rise
- You should see chest rise & hear air escaping
- Continue until help arrives
- Check victim's pulse
- Refer to Heart Attack if no pulse
- Repeat single breath every 5 seconds
- If you don't hear air escaping, airway is blocked - Refer to Choking
- If victim vomits, turn them on their side and sweep mouth clear of vomit
Fractures & Sprains
- Call for HELP
- Keep victim still
- Immobilize the injured body part
- Apply ice or cold back for swelling and to reduce pain
- Place a towel/cloth between the source of cold and the skin
- Minimize movement of the victim's head, neck or back.
- Maintain an open airway
- Have victim remain in position, stay with him/her
- Monitor airway, breathing and heart rate
- Call for HELP
- Stand behind the victim, place thumb inside of your fist against middle of victim's abdomen, just above navel.
- Grasp fist with other hand and give a quick upward thrusts until object is coughed up or victim breaths on their own
- If the person becomes unconscious:
- Protecting the head, gently lower victim to the ground, tilt head back, lift chin, pinch nose shut, give 2 slow breaths until the victim's chest rises
- If chest doesn't rise, reposition airway and reattempt breaths
- If breaths still do not go in:
- Position your hand on the center of victim's chest of breastbone
- Position your shoulders over your hands
- Compress chest 15 times in about a 10 second span
- Look for objects in mouth; if object in mouth, remove with fingers
- Tilt head back, lift chin, pinch nose shut, give 2 slow breaths
- If breaths still do not go in: Continue 15 chest compressions, and checking for object in mouth
- Give 2 rescue breaths until chest rises, victim starts breathing or emergency medical personnel arrive
Severe Bleeding and Wounds
- Call for help
- Avoid skin contact with victims blood
- Use latex gloves or layers of material and wash your hands as soon as possible
- Use a clean cloth, apply firm, direct pressure until the bleeding stops
- Do not remove bandages, add bandage to existing ones
Fainting, Unconsciousness, Shock
- Call for HELP
- Have victim lie down & rest
- Keep victim comfortable
- Ask/look for emergency medical ID
- Treat other injuries as necessary