Gavilan College Spanish Classes in Zacatecas, Mexico

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Zacatecas, June 8-July 6, 2008

Join the Gavilan Spanish language program at Fenix Language Institute in Zacatecas, México. Earn 5 transferable units.

Classes offered at different levels, from beginner to advanced. Classroom instruction plus local immersion in the Spanish language. Visit cultural centers. Live with a host family and enjoy hospitality, family meals, language practice, and exposure to the life and culture of México.

Approx. $1,200 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare

Zacatecas, founded in 1557, is a charming colonial city in the state of Zacatecas, home of the Fenix Language Institute. Instituto Fenix is a language school that hosts students, professionals, and diplomats from around the world. The staff has extensive experience in teaching Spanish as a second language. To enhance one's Spanish language skills, the Institute secures accommodations in the home of a Mexican family to give the student real-life opportunities to learn more about Mexican culture.

The Institute offers several levels of beginning through advanced Spanish instruction including Mexican and Latin American literature. Upon arrival at the Institute, students are given an oral interview and a written exercise to determine their language level.
Monday through Friday, students have three hours of grammar, culture and literature, complemented by two-hour cultural workshops. The workshops are conducted in Spanish by local experts, and they are designed to increase the understanding of Mexican and Latin American culture as well as to expand language acquisition and retention.

In addition to language classes and cultural workshops, there are weekly lectures or cultural presentations at the Institute. To fully maximize this learning experience, we have also included a weekend cultural excursion to Balneario Valladolid, as well as visits to local museums in Zacatecas. Additional cultural excursions will be made available at extra cost.

Questions? -- we've got answers!

  • Orientation meeting -- Saturday, 03/08/2008, 10:00am, HU105
  • Cost: approx. $1,200.00 plus airfare
    see Program Details below
  • Where do I sign up? Reserve a spot with a deposit, submit your application -
    see Program Details below
    Can anyone go? Yes, the program is open to all.
  • I've been out of school for 30 years... No problem, this is a very supportive environment, with small informal classes and individual attention.
  • What if I'm not a student at Gavilan? No problem, it is very easy to register for Gavilan classes, just a few simple forms.
  • Do I have to take the Gavilan College Placement Test? Generally no, just register (the test is required for current High School Students - read about the details here).
  • Do I need high school or college transcripts? Generally no, unless you are currently attending High School - read about the details here.
  • Can I take my young son/daughter along? Yes, minors can participate in the program as long as they are accompanied by an adult. Contact David Pérez for other arrangements, such as daycare, family lodging, etc.

Contact: David Pérez, 408 848-4842, email:

Program Details

  • Dates: June 8 - July 6, 2008
  • Cost: approx. $1,200.00 plus aifare
  • Sign up: Reserve a spot with a $200.00 non-refundable deposit - hurry, class is filling up fast;
    Payment in full due May 5, 2008;
    Fill out the application forms and waivers here
  • Included:
    Accommodations with a Mexican host family, Three meals per day
    Language classes at the Instituto Fenix, Class materials
  • Not Included:
    Roundtrip air fair /customs fees and departure taxes
    Gavilan College tuition and fees - $20 per Unit, plus $6 Gavilan College Fee
  • Flights: Students book their own flights
  • Living Arrangements:
    Students live with local families in their homes
    Accommodations are double occupancy
    Three daily meals are included
  • Classes:
    5 hours daily (2 hours grammar, 2 hours conversation, 1 hour culture)
  • Free School Activities:
    Welcome party, Farewell Party
    Theater workshop, Spanish Language movies
    Discussion sessions about current events
    Information sessions preceding all activities and excursions
  • Optional Weekend Excursions:
    Affordable weekend excursions to famous and historical cities outside of Zacatecas will be posted at the school. Students may sign up and join others from around the world on these exiting trips


To learn about the Summer Program in Spain, click here
contact Albert Marqués at 408 848-4794, email

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Last updated on 09/08/2008.
Send questions or comments to Franz Mayrhofer at