Fenix Language Institute Zacatecas


Address: C. Ledezma 210 / Centro
Apartado Postal # 155
Zacatecas, Zac., México C.P. 98000
Phone: 011 52 492 922 1643
remember the 2 hour time difference!!!
(12:00 noon California == 2:00 pm Zacatecas)
 Fax: 011 52 492 922 3732
email: info@fenixlanguageinstitute.com
web site: http://www.fenixlanguageinstitute.com/marcoprincipal.htm


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Address of this page is: http://www.gavilan.edu/spanish/zaca2008/contact.html
Last updated on 06/25/08 .
Send questions or comments to Franz Mayrhofer at