
Gavilan College Academic Senate

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

3:00  PM Mayock House


In attendance: A. Arid, B. Beede, R. Brown, M. Bumgarner, E. Crook, M. Dwyer,

S. Kinsella, V. Krimsley, J. Lango, J. Lawton-Haehl, R. Lee, F. Lozano, L. Moeller,

J. Pruitt, V. Robinson, J. Stewart, L. Stubblefield, K. Wagman, L.Wexler.

        Under IV. Discussion Items

        h. Double Counting of Units for a Major

MSC – J. Lango/ J. Lawton-Haehl - unanimous

        Steve stated that the information can be structured to work any way we

        want.  He takes all this information to the Board of Trustees   Erin

        suggested we could make a recommendation to the President’s Council as

        to how they disseminate their information.  People need to feel they can

        be part of the process, and even bring an item/issue to the council.   

        learning curve – Larry thinks about six meetings would give one a fair

        handle on the process.   

        Currently students are allowed to withdraw from a class as many times as

        they want.  Now they will be limited to 4 times and if they withdraw a 5th

        time, would have to take the letter grade earned up to the time of their

        withdrawal, as if they had completed the class.  Victor has written an AP

        for withdrawals which codifies all the above information.  Repetitions for

        sub-standard grade (D, F) - currently allowed at one repeat for grade

        improvement; a student may file for additional repeats due to extenuating

        circumstances (no apportionment).  Victor has drafted a policy – student

        may repeat one time without a signature; on the 2nd repeat the student

        would be required to meet with a counselor for a signature/intervention; a          3rd repeat would require another counseling session, and we would get no

        apportionment.  A new regulation states a student cannot be enrolled in the

        same course but in two different section numbers at the same time. The

        rest of the policy changes are to comply with changes to Title V –

        renumbering and reorganization of some section numbers.  Marlene

        commented that the CDC courses are job driven, students withdraw from

        courses frequently and some students need to see counselors based on

        their history of withdrawals.  John Pruitt advised Banner might permit a

        flag at a student’s second withdrawal and prior to allowing re-registering.

        Question – when, or will we be requiring students to get email addresses

        so information can be sent out this way? Vic would like to see student

        phone numbers, email and mailing addresses validated by the school.

MSC (M. Bumgarner/A. Arid) – unanimous.

MSC (A. Arid/M. Bumgarner) carried with Russell Lee abstaining. 

MSC (R. Lee/A. Arid) – unanimous.

      coming back to campus on Friday April 4th

      GECA – Fall Semester Grades Analysis and an outline for evaluation of

      the effectiveness of the program.  The Basic Skills Counselor has been

      hired – we now need to find space to house this person.        

      Beede – some students will be creating their own websites – and asks for

      everyone’s help should students request information or ask to interview

      you. -

      Plenary this year.

Submitted by

Diane Stone