
Gavilan College Academic Senate

Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2008

3:00  PM Mayock House


        Add: Discussion of Planning Matrices from Basic Skill Committee

        Add: Topic of Senate Vice President

MSC (M. Bumgarner/K. Wagman) unanimous.  (Correction to name will be made and forwarded to Erin for review.)

        Erin advises that Debbie Klein has tendered her resignation from Senate

        in addition, as Senate Vice President. Debbie is the new Secretary

        for GCFA.  Erin would like a volunteer or she will be soliciting for a new

        Vice President.  Ken advises that the VP will be a member of President’s

        Council in the Fall.

        send out copies of the docs the committee receives for Senators to review.

        Withdrawals- until now there has been no limit on the number of

        withdrawals.  Now, after 4 withdrawals the student will have to take the

        letter grade earned for the work completed.  With Web registration, we         should build in some checks that require a student to see a counselor after

        a certain number of withdrawals.

construction money, and with our current growth are eligible for more.  Expenditure Reduction Task Force may not be needed.

Please be kind to the Banner schedulers – they are working very hard to get the Summer and Fall Courses into the new system. 

Next year GECA with have 9th grade taking their classes in the morning and the 10th grade taking their classes in the afternoon- this will help maximize their limited space.  We will need to make sure we are offering the classes they need at the times they can attend.  The Biology classes are highly impacted.  Randy Brown is conducting research on student success at GECA and the report will be available soon.

        1.  Equivalency

        2.  Board Policies on withdrawals and repeats

        3.  Dean of PE & Athletics

        4.  Ethics

        5.  Faculty of the Year process

        6.  Change the meeting dates for May – conflicts with finals

Submitted by

Diane Stone