Gavilan College Academic Senate Resolution
Subject: Recommendation Supporting Stand Up for Education, March 4 2010

First Reading: March 2, 2010

Mover: Ali Arid
Seconder: Bea Lawn

Whereas, California public education from pre-kindergarten through college and adult education is facing the most serious fiscal crisis ever with funding cuts, tuition increases, reduction of college admissions and class availability for students, furlough days for educators and support staff, layoffs of employees and outright closures of entire programs and departments; and

Whereas, the hopes and promise for the future of our state and country lie in the hands and minds of young people currently in our educational systems, and our state’s potential will only be as great as the generation of thinkers and innovators we are currently creating; and

Whereas, as educators we are strongly committed to refocus the Legislature and State Government’s fiscal priorities so that California can reclaim its rightful place as a leader in education, instructional innovation and affordable public education for all; and

Whereas, following the successful statewide events at CSU, UC and Community college campuses in September, 2009, a consortium of the educational community including the Community College Association, the California Teachers Association, California Faculty Association and California Federation of Teachers have endorsed a March 4, 2010 Day of Action with the slogan, “Save Public Education! Stand Up for Education,” therefore,

Resolved, that the Gavilan College Academic Senate supports the statewide action to be held on March 4, 2010 with the following demands to be presented to State Legislature: 1) restore full funding, including growth funds, for all of public education; 2) assure all of our students their rights for a safe and affordable public education; 3) maintain the rights of educators to guaranteed pay, benefits and safe working conditions; and 4) ensure adequate funding for the health, jobs and safety of all employees and students.