Gavilan College Academic Senate Resolution

Subject: Subcommittee, College of Choice for Part Timers

First Reading: June 12, 2007
Second Reading: July 10, 2007

Third Reading: Sept. 18, 2007
Fourth Reading: Oct. 2, 2007

Whereas, the Gavilan Academic Senate directed the Part Time College of Choice committee to develop recommendations for academic and professional equity for part-time faculty at Gavilan College.

Resolved, the Gavilan Academic Senate accepts the recommendations of the committee as follows:

Priority #1 — Improve communication to part-time faculty

Recommendation 1
During summer 2007, regularize and standardize collection of email information from part-time faculty, develop informational handout telling part-timers how and why to use Gavilan email and ensure that all part-timers receive it.

Recommendation 2
During summer 2007, set up a Part-time Faculty list administered by the college and/ or add all part-timers to the current Faculty list that includes full-timers

Recommendation 3 
During 2007-2008, deliver contract, mileage, benefit, and other important information via email so part-timers get in the habit of using Gavilan email. This information and corresponding forms should also be readily available on the Gavilan College website.

Recommendation 4
Send Faculty Senate and Presidents Council minutes to all faculty starting fall 2007

Recommendation 5
Prioritize keeping Intranet minutes page updated; periodically publicize this service to all staff during summer 2007

Priority #2 — Improve part-time participation in decision-making on curricular, departmental, budgetary, planning, technological, hiring, governance, and academic matters

Recommendation 6
As a means to ensure academic excellence, implement meeting rate pay by the college in fall 2007  for part-time representatives to attend department meetings.

Recommendation 7
Allow for part time representation on President’s Council, screening committees, and department chair meetings.  Solicit part-time faculty to serve during 2007-2008 year

Recommendation 8
As a means to ensure academic excellence, implement meeting rate pay by the college in fall 2007  for part-time representatives to the Faculty Senate, President’s Council, and department chair meetings.

Priority #3 — Orient new and continuing part-time faculty adequately

Recommendation 9
Beginning fall 2007, make part-time faculty orientation a regular part of staff development day with a session that includes Senate, union, department chairs, and college resource people. Make parking permits easily available here and give out copies of updated faculty handbook. Pay part-timers at meeting rate for this part of the day. Publicize orientation via email and regular mail.

Recommendation 10
Update faculty handbook and make its presence on the website well known to all faculty.

Priority #4 — Mileage reimbursement for faculty who move from one campus to another during the day

Recommendation 11
Before spring 2007 semester ends, publicize via email and written information the college’s mileage policy. Make mileage reimbursement form easily available online.

Priority #5 — Contracts arrive late, inaccurate, unsigned, error-filled, and/or not at all.

Recommendation 12
During summer 2007, standardize hiring procedures and practices so contracts are reviewed for accuracy and signed by the college before going to part-time faculty. Email notification and delivery are options that should be explored.

Recommendation 13
In time for fall 2007 implementation, develop timeline for distribution of contracts to and receipt of contracts from part-time faculty, and follow up any that have not been returned.


Results of first reading on June 12, 2007: carried over for further discussion

Results of second reading on July 10, 2007: carried over for further discussion.

Results of third reading on Sept. 18, 2007: carried over for further discussion.

Results of fourth reading on Oct. 2, 2007: passed unanimously

Note: The recommendations were accepted in this form, but there are items to be added as of the meeting on Oct. 2:

  1. Part time faculty office space, phone lines, computer access for office hours.
  2. Improved mailroom conditions for part timers.