Gavilan College Academic Senate Resolution
Subject: Recommendation Against Selling Text Books to Buyers on Campus

First Reading: April 21, 2009
Second Reading: May 5, 2009
Third Reading: June 16, 2009

Mover: Ali Arid
Seconder: Linda Stubblefield

Whereas, the selection of instructional materials, such as text books, is a matter left to individual instructors, due to their positions as employees of Gavilan College.

Whereas, the appropriate disposal of unwanted text books is a matter left to individual instructors to determine.

Whereas, text book buyers regularly approach instructors on campus, in their offices, in order to buy their text books.

Whereas, the Gavilan Academic Senate considers the selling of complimentary text books a practice that: 1) keeps authors from getting compensated for the sales of their texts; and 2) supports the unwanted presence of text book buyers on campus.

Resolved, the Gavilan Academic Senate considers the selling of complimentary text books unethical and strongly discourages this practice.