Gavilan College Academic Senate Resolution
Subject: Recommendation Against Moving Forward with Accelerated Learning College Proposal

First Reading: December 1, 2009

Mover: Erin Crook
Seconder: Bea Lawn

Whereas, the Gavilan College Academic Senate approved the formation of the Accelerated Learning College (ALC) Committee to investigate and consider the proposed Accelerated Learning College legislation.

Whereas, The ALC Committee: 1) communicated with their constituent groups via email and department meetings and disseminated and collected information from their groups about ALC and how it might affect them; 2) made sure ALC was a regular agenda item at senate, curriculum and department chair meetings and that representatives at those meetings kept their groups updated; 3) compiled faculty group summaries of their discussions; 4) solicited discussion summaries from those groups who would be affected by the proposal, but who might not have direct or regular representation at senate, department chair or curriculum meetings; 5) contacted and solicited input from the State Academic Senate, CTA and the three other colleges considering the proposal; and 6) compiled all of the responses in an analysis document, which is available for all to read on Moodle, email or hard copy.

Whereas, a significant majority of Gavilan College constituent groups recommended against moving forward with the Accelerated Learning College model after careful consideration and discussion.

Resolved, the Gavilan College Academic Senate recommends against moving forward with the Accelerated Learning College proposal.