January 2011 Employee of the Month

John Lawton-Haehl


Since joining Gavilan College, Dr. Lawton-Haehl has brought the Gavilan Theatre Arts Program to new heights by serving our students and producing spectacular shows throughout the year. John has been diligently developing the Theatre Program by raising visibility in and building bridges with our surrounding communities. He is also dedicated to improving our college through participating in shared governance.

For example, he has been working with the ABC outreach program (Arts Back in the Classroom) and brought over 500 elementary school students from South Valley to our campus. For the Fall 2010 children’s theatre production, Peter and the Wolf, over 3500 students came to Gavilan, 500 of whom participated in campus tours. He has also been working with Christopher High’s Dr. Kate Booth in order to continue building bridges with Christopher High.

On campus, John is going on his second year of being VP of the Academic Senate. He also joined the Learning Council to provide an important bridge between the senate and the council as we develop new strategies for helping our students succeed. We are thrilled to recognize Dr. Lawton-Haehl for giving so much of his talent and skill to Gavilan College.