BP 4600 Student Success Policy

Gavilan College holds as one of its highest priorities the success of its students; thus, the Board wishes to institutionalize its support of student success. The Board will consult collegially with the Academic Senate with respect to standards or policies regarding student preparation and success. To carry out the work of identifying existing and new pathways to student success, the Learning Council, a subcommittee of the Academic Senate, has been established and is comprised of all stakeholder groups.

Given Gavilan College’s mission statement that indicates commitment to educational excellence, as well as nurturing and preparing students, the Board views the following general list of activities to be important to the success of students and intends to rely on the faculty, the administration or the professional support staff to: 

1.  Support the work of the Learning Council in identifying existing and new pathways to student success at Gavilan College.

2.  Acknowledge that success depends upon the College’s ability to address the whole student.

3.  Identify key instructional and student support strategies.

4.  Promote collaboration across the college and among all stakeholder groups, stressing that student success is everyone’s responsibility.

5.  Support administrative, faculty and staff leadership in the implementation of promising and proven student success initiatives.

6.  Develop partnerships as necessary within the communities served by Gavilan College to reduce barriers to and improve student success.