AP 4600 The Learning Council Organization

Gavilan College shall have one Learning Council, which will focus on identifying existing and new pathways to student success at Gavilan College. The Learning Council will serve as a subcommittee of the Academic Senate and will be co-chaired by a faculty member and another representative from the staff.

The membership of the Learning Council will include representative faculty from each division, CSEA and supervisory/confidential employees, students, and administration. The term of membership will be a minimum of two years and one year for students appointed by the ASB.

The Learning Council will report both to the Academic Senate and the President’s Council. The Council shall conduct itself in accordance with state laws, regulations, and district administrative procedures.

The Learning Council shall meet monthly during the academic year. Sub-groups may meet more frequently as needed.

The Learning Council will have a mission statements and annual objectives consistent with the College’s mission statement, strategic plan and annual objectives. The Council will be a recommending body to the Academic Senate and the meetings will be open and public. The agenda and minutes will be available to all stakeholder groups electronically.