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CWE 192:    General Work Experience Education

Required: Concurrent enrollment in seven or more units (including CWE units, except for summer school. For summer school, enrollment in one other class is required) Minimum 2.00 G.P.A.
Transferable: CSU
General work experience for students who have a job unrelated to their major. General work experience is supervised employment which is intended to assist students in acquiring desirable work habits, attitudes and career awareness. A training plan is developed cooperatively between the employer, college and student. (CR/NC grading) 75 hours per semester paid work = 1 unit. 60 hours non-paid (volunteer) work per semester = 1 unit. May be taken for a maximum of 16 units.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
4283 WEX BU125 KERR L 1.0 TBA 0000 - 0000 16
See Footnote: Above class meets Off Campus
4284 WEX BU125 KERR L 2.0 TBA 0000 - 0000 16
See Footnote: Above class meets Off Campus
4285 WEX BU125 KERR L 3.0 TBA 0000 - 0000 16
See Footnote: Above class meets Off Campus