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CD 1:    Principles and Philosophies of Early Childhood Education
Transferable: CSU
An overview of current educational theories and research, as well as an historical perspective on the development of early childhood education. Observations in schools are to be arranged.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
4119 LEC CD127 SEGAL M 3.0 MWF 0910A - 1000A  


CD 2:    Early Child Development
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU
A systematic study of the child from prenatal life through the preschool years. The course integrates the basic concepts of physical, cognitive and psychosocial development at each major stage of life during this period. This course is also listed as PSYC 2.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
4120 LEC SS214 CLABAUGH D 3.0 MWF 1110A - 1200P 25 36
6040 LEC SS210 LOYD J 3.0 W 0600P - 0850P 25


CD 3:    Child Growth and Development During the School Years
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU
Continuation of the study of the principles of child development with emphasis on children from six years through adolescence. Includes developmental theories and topics relevant to these ages. This course is also listed as PSYC 3.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
4121 LEC MHG4 BUMGARNER M 3.0 MW 0900A - 1015A 25 65
Class meets at the Morgan Hill Community site
6041 LEC SS205 BUMGARNER M 3.0 Th 0600P - 0850P 25


CD 5:    Child, Family, and Community
Transferable: CSU
Patterns of child-rearing in contemporary society. Interaction of family, school and community. Significance of personal and social values in family life and community action. Individual and social resources for family life including health, welfare and improving child development.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
4122 LEC SS205 SEGAL M 3.0 MWF 0810A - 0900A  
6042 LEC LI100 LOYD J 3.0 M 0600P - 0850P  


CD 8B:    Teaching Reading and Writing to Children
Transferable: CSU
This course is designed to teach prospective teachers how a child learns to read and write successfully in school. Specific techniques will be taught. Students will be expected to register concurrently in 1-4 units of CD 190--Cooperative Work Experience in order to facilitate opportunities to work regularly with children. This course has the option of a letter grade or credit/no credit.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
6043 LEC MHG11 MALASPINA B 3.0 Tu 0600P - 0850P 65
Class meets at the Morgan Hill Community site


CD 9:    Child Health, Nutrition and Safety
Transferable: CSU
The health protection provided to young children by the home, school and community is studied. Topics included are nutrition, common childhood diseases and special health problems, management of accidents and injury, and safety concerns. Students will also learn methods of teaching personal hygiene, nutrition, poison prevention, and fire safety, and become familiar with community health and safety resources.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
4123 LEC LI100 CLABAUGH D 3.0 MWF 1210P - 0100P  


CD 10:    The Exceptional Child
Transferable: CSU
An introductory course in special education. Includes a survey of exceptionality, including learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, mental retardation, physical impairments, communication disturbances, giftedness, cultural diversity and major issues in early childhood education.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
6044 LEC MHG4 CLABAUGH D 3.0 S 0800A - 0400P 65 86
Class meets at the Morgan Hill Community site


CD 11B:    Administration of Publicly Funded Child Care Programs
Transferable: CSU
This course is designed to meet the State Department of Education requirements for directors of publicly funded child development programs, and the Supervisory Child Development Permit. Topics covered include development of personnel policies that reflect the philosophy and goals and objectives of the program, development of a staff development plan, classroom management and record keeping, assessment and curriculum planning, and parent involvement/education. Financial record keeping will be discussed from the perspective of the granting agency.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
6045 LEC SS203 MALASPINA B 3.0 Th 0600P - 0850P  


CD 13:    Infant and Toddler Development and Care
Transferable: CSU
Students will study the developmental stages of growth specific to infants and toddlers and learn how to foster positive techniques of nurturing the growth of these children in institutional and home day care situations.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
4124 LEC MHG4 SEGAL M 3.0 TuTh 1045A - 1200P 65
Class meets at the Morgan Hill Community site


CD 14B:    Behavior Management & Guidance of School Age Children
Transferable: CSU
The nature of children's development stages causes school age children to act in different ways at different ages. This course helps students understand the relationship of development, environment, culture and social circumstances to children's behavior. An overview of guidance theories offers strategies to reinforce positive behaviors, encourage communication & cooperation, and establish age-appropriate and consistent limits in a variety of circumstances. This course has the option of a letter grade or credit/no credit.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
6046 LEC MHG4 BUMGARNER M 3.0 M 0600P - 0850P 65
Class meets at the Morgan Hill Community site


CD 20:    Children's Language and Literature
Transferable: CSU
A developmental view of children's language and literacy learning in a framework of children's literature. Students will be presented with steps in children's literacy learning in order to help them organize classrooms and plan activities to support the growth of writing and reading. Students will study historical trends in children's literature and participate in practical experiences and activities that use a wide range of techniques and materials for advancing language comprehension and usage.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
4125 L/L MHG4 SEGAL M 3.0 TuTh 0900A - 1015A 65
Class meets at the Morgan Hill Community site


CD 22:    Field Work and Service
Required:: Learning contracts must be filled out and signed by the student and the supervising instructor.
Transferable: CSU
Supervised field work within the college and with local agencies. Students serve in useful group activities in leadership roles prescribed for them by faculty or community agencies. A maximum of six units may be completed.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
4126 FEX SS202A BUMGARNER M 1.0 TBA 0000 - 0000 21 73


CD 23:    Independent Study
Required:: The study outline prepared by the student and the instructor must be approved by the department and the dean.
Transferable: CSU
Designed to afford selected students specialized opportunities for exploring areas at the independent study level. The courses may involve extensive library work, research in the community, or special projects. May be repeated three times or until six units of credit are accrued.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
4127 IND SS202A BUMGARNER M 1.0 TBA 0000 - 0000 22 73


CD 25A:    Art Methods
Transferable: CSU; CSU-GE:
Art methods and learning theory for those planning to work with preschool, elementary and secondary students. Two-dimensional work in printing, painting, drawing and collage. This course is also listed as ART 25A.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
4128 L/L AR103 EDBERG J 3.0 MW 1110A - 0100P 25
6047 L/L HOL1 RIOS S 3.0 S 0900A - 1250P 25 55 57
Class meets at the Hollister Briggs site


CD 25B:    Art Methods
Transferable: CSU; AA/AS:
Art methods, including three-dimensional project work in sculpture, paper sculpture, bas-relief, and mobiles, for pre-teaching, pre-recreation worker, and others supervising preschool and school age children, including art therapy and exceptional learner projects. This course is also listed as ART 25B.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
6048 L/L HOL1 RIOS S 3.0 S 0900A - 1250P 25 55 57
Class meets at the Hollister Briggs site


CD 28B:    Dev Learning Activities for Family Child Care & Foster Care
Transferable: CSU
A practical curriculum development course for those who care for other people's children. A brief overview of children's learning processes is followed by innovative activity suggestions that will enhance children's growth in all areas of development.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
6049 LEC CD127 ALONZO S 1.0 M W 0600P - 0850P 11
Class meets 01/05/04 - 01/21/04


CD 30B:    Teaching Practices and Techniques II
Transferable: CSU
Continuation of CD 30A with emphasis on assessment, conferencing and planning skills. Completion of 30A and 30B fulfills State Child Development Permit requirements, and satisfies the associate degree student teaching requirements.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
6050 LEC CD127 SEGAL M 3.0 M 0600P - 0850P  


CD 98:    Special Topics
Transferable: CSU
Special topics courses examine current problems or issues of interest to students within a specific discipline area. For topic content information, consult with the appropriate department chairperson. For transfer status, check with a counselor. This course has the option of a letter grade or credit/no credit and may be repeated three times for credit with different topics.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
6052 LEC MHG4 CLABAUGH D 1.0 TuTh 0600P - 0850P 11 65
Class meets 01/06/04 - 01/22/04 Class meets at the Morgan Hill Community site


CD 160:    Child Care First Aid and CPR
Transferable: CSU
First aid training to prepare child care professionals to meet the needs of emergencies when medical assistance is delayed. Includes information on the prevention of childhood injuries and the prevention of communicable diseases including HIV/AIDS and the use of Universal Precautions. (Satisfies the California Community Care Licensing requirement for 15 hours of specialized health and safety training.) This is a credit/no credit course and may be repeated three times for credit.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
6053 LEC CD129 CLABAUGH D 1.0 S 0900A - 0400P 11 88
Class meets 01/03/04 - 01/17/04


CD 190:    Occupational Work Experience/Child Development
Required:: Declared vocational major. Concurrent enrollment in seven or more units (including CWE units, except for summer school. For summer school, enrollment in one other class is required). Minimum 2.00 G.P.A.
Transferable: CSU
College credit for learning experience obtained on the job in accordance with a training plan developed cooperatively between the employer, college and student. 75 hours per semester per unit or 60 hours per semester for unpaid experience. This is a credit/no credit course. May be taken for a maximum of 16 work experience units.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
4129 WEX CD131 SEGAL M 1-4 TBA 0000 - 0000 14
4130 WEX CD131 SEGAL M 1-4 TBA 0000 - 0000 14
4131 WEX CD131 SEGAL M 1-4 TBA 0000 - 0000 14
4132 WEX CD131 SEGAL M 1-4 TBA 0000 - 0000 14
4133 WEX SS107 BUMGARNER M 1-4 TBA 0000 - 0000 71





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