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AJ 10:    Introduction to the Administration of Justice
Transferable: CSU; UC; ; CAN: AJ 2
The history and philosophy of justice as it evolved throughout the world; in-depth study of the American system and various sub-systems; roles and role expectations of criminal justice agents in their interrelationships in society; concepts of crime causations, punishments and rehabilitation; ethics, education and training for professionalism in the social system.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
6005 LEC HOL1 SMITH S 3.0 M 0630P - 0920P 57 96
Class meets at the Hollister Briggs site


AJ 12:    Criminal Procedures
Transferable: CSU
Legal processes from pre-arrest, arrest through trial, sentencing and correctional procedures; a review of the history of case and common law; conceptual interpretations of law as reflected in court decisions; a study of case law methodology and case research as the decisions impact upon the procedures of the justice system.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
4048 LEC BU118 SMITH S 3.0 TuTh 0110P - 0225P  


AJ 14:    Criminal Law
Transferable: CSU; UC; ; CAN: AJ 4
Historical development, philosophy of law and constitutional provisions; definitions, classifications of crime, and their applications to the system of administration of justice; legal research, review of case law, methodology, and concepts of law as a social force. Explores crimes against persons, property, and the state.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
4049 LEC BU118 SMITH S 3.0 MW 1010A - 1125A  


AJ 16:    Introduction to Evidence
Transferable: CSU
Origin, development, philosophy and constitutional basis of evidence; constitutional and procedural considerations affecting arrest, search and seizure; kinds and degrees of evidence and rules governing admissibility; judicial decisions interpreting individual rights and case studies viewed from a conceptual level.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
4050 LEC BU118 SMITH S 3.0 MW 0145P - 0300P  


AJ 18:    Community and Human Relations
Transferable: CSU; UC
The relationship of criminal justice agents and the community; causal and symptomatic aspects of community understanding; lack of cooperation and mistrust; study of behavioral causes; ways to develop and maintain amicable relationships.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
6006 LEC MHG3 JONES W 3.0 M 0630P - 0920P 65
Class meets at the Morgan Hill Community site


AJ 21:    Narcotics and Drug Abuse
Transferable: CSU
Designed to explore the Administration of Justice system and drug problems: drug identification, drug user recognition, drug effects, narcotic enforcement, drug prosecution, drug treatment, rehabilitation and education.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
4051 LEC BU118 SMITH S 3.0 W 0300P - 0550P  


AJ 24:    Administration of Justice Interviewing & Report Writing
Transferable: CSU
General course using various methods to develop students' abilities in note taking, interviewing, information gathering, report writing mechanics and organization and critical evaluation. Students will interview individuals and will write and analyze police reports to meet the standards of the Criminal Justice System.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
6007 LEC SS206 JONES W 3.0 W 0630P - 0920P  


AJ 170:    Introduction to Correctional Administration
Transferable: CSU
A survey of the field of correctional science. Historical development current concepts and practice; explanations of criminal behavior; functions and objectives of the criminal justice system concerned with institutional, probation, and parole processes as they modify the offender's behavior; survey of professional career opportunities in public and private agencies.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
6008 LEC HOL5 JOHNSON A 3.0 Th 0630P - 0920P 57
Class meets at the Hollister Briggs site


AJ 173:    Fundamentals of Probation and Parole
Transferable: CSU
Theory and techniques of probation/parole supervision, including historical development with emphasis on recent programs, research, and development in the field.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
6009 L/L BU120 JOHNSON A 3.0 Tu 0630P - 0920P  


AJ 190:    Occupational Work Experience/Administration of Justice
Required:: Declared vocational major. Concurrent enrollment in seven or more units (including CWE units, except for summer school. For summer school, enrollment in one other class is required). Minimum 2.00 G.P.A.
Transferable: CSU
College credit for learning experience obtained on the job in accordance with a training plan developed cooperatively between the employer, college and student. 75 hours per semester per unit or 60 hours per semester for unpaid experience. This is a credit/no credit course. May be taken for a maximum of 16 work experience units.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
4598 WEX SBA KERR NOLAN L 1-4 DHR 0000 - 0000  
4599 WEX SBA KERR NOLAN L 1-4 DHR 0000 - 0000  
4600 WEX SBA KERR NOLAN L 1-4 DHR 0000 - 0000  
4601 WEX SBA KERR NOLAN L 1-4 DHR 0000 - 0000  





Address of this page: http://www.gavilan.edu/schedule/administration_of_justice.htm
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Page generated on Sunday, January 25, 2004 at 08:27 PM