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CD 2:    Early Child Development

Advisory: Eligible for English 250 and English 260; transfer students consult with advisor.
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU-GE: D9, E ; IGETC: 4I; GAV-GE: D2
A systematic study of the child from prenatal life through the preschool years. The course integrates the basic concepts of physical, cognitive and psychosocial development at each major stage of life during this period. This course is also listed as PSYC 2. This course has the option of a letter grade or credit/no credit.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0172 LEC MHG4 BUMGARNER M 3.0 MW 0945A - 1105A 25
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site
2039 LEC MHG13 SHARPE E 3.0 S 0830A - 0300P 11 25 34
Class meets 09/08/07 - 11/03/07 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site


CD 7:    Cultural Context of Childhood

Advisory: Eligible for English 250 and English 260.
Transferable: CSU; CSU-GE: D7; GAV-GE: D2, F
This course examines cultural influences on child-rearing practices, family values, and human development. Perspectives from the social sciences will be used to explore what is common to all Homo sapiens and what is specific to the culture of the U.S. Students will explore their own personal assumptions and attitudes towards diversity, and practice implementing non-stereotypical, developmentally appropriate, anti-bias activities, interactions and environments in order to respond to and intervene against prejudice among children. This course is also listed as PSYC 7 and ANTH 9.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0175 LEC MHG4 BUMGARNER M 3.0 MW 1120A - 1240P 25
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site


CD 11A:    Administration of Programs for Young Children

Advisory: Child Development 1 and 2.
Transferable: CSU
The principles and practices of the organization and administration of facilities for preschool aged children. Areas covered include organizational structure, budgeting, personnel policies and practices, records, statistics, reporting, relationship with community resources, regulatory agencies, and parents.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
2042 LEC MHG4 MALASPINA B 3.0 Th 0600P - 0905P  
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site


CD 13:    Infant and Toddler Development and Care

Advisory: Eligible for English 250 and English 260. Child Development 2.
Transferable: CSU
Students will study the developmental stages of growth specific to infants and toddlers and learn how to foster positive techniques for nurturing infants and toddlers in group settings. Students will study the RIE philosophy and learn how to observe children in child care and home day care settings. This course has the option of a letter grade or credit/no credit.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0176 LEC MHG3 SEGAL M 3.0 TuTh 0945A - 1105A  
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site


CD 19:    Introduction to Careers with Children

Advisory: Eligible for English 250 and English 260.
Transferable: CSU
An overview of Department of Social Services and Department of Education regulations regarding child care workers in California. Self-assessment techniques with emphasis on teacher-child and teacher-adult relationships and personal evaluations. Basic principles of curriculum development and discipline techniques. This course has the option of a letter grade or credit/no credit.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
2043 LEC SS203 BUMGARNER M 2.0 S 0900A - 0200P 11
Class meets 09/08/07 - 10/13/07 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site


CD 20:    Children's Language and Literature

Advisory: Eligible for English 250 and English 260.
Transferable: CSU
A developmental view of children's language and literacy learning in a framework of children's literature. Students will be presented with steps in children's literacy learning in order to help them organize classrooms and plan activities to support the growth of writing and reading. Students will study historical trends in children's literature and participate in practical experiences and activities that use a wide range of techniques and materials for advancing language comprehension and usage. This course has the option of a letter grade or credit/no credit.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0178 LEC MHG4 SEGAL M 3.0 TuTh 1120A - 1245P  
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site