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MATH 1A:    Single-Variable Calculus and Analytic Geometry
Prerequisite: Mathematics 10 with a grade of 'C' or better.
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU-GE: B4; IGETC: 2A; GAV-GE: B4; CAN: MATH 18, MATH SEQ. B
Limits and continuity, analyzing the behavior and graphs of functions, derivatives, implicit differentiation, higher order derivatives, related rates and optimization word problems, Newton's Method, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and definite and indefinite integrals.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0537 LEC LS101 JUKL H 4.0 F 0110P - 0200P 1
      JUKL H 4.0 MW 1245P - 0200P  


MATH 1B:    Single-Variable Calculus and Analytic Geometry
Prerequisite: Mathematics 1A with a grade of 'C' or better.
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU-GE: B4; IGETC: 2A; GAV-GE: B4; CAN: MATH 20, MATH SEQ. B
This course is a standard second semester Calculus course covering methods of integration, applications of the integral, differential equations, parametric and polar equations, and sequences and series.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
2136 LEC PH102 LOCKHART L 4.0 TuTh 0630P - 0820P  


MATH 5:    Introduction to Statistics
Prerequisite: Mathematics 233 with a grade of 'C' or better.
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU-GE: B4; IGETC: 2A; GAV-GE: B4; CAN: STAT 2
Descriptive analysis and presentation of either single-variable data or bivariate data, probability, probability distributions, normal probability distributions, sample variability, statistical inferences involving one and two populations, analysis of variance, linear correlation and regression analysis. Statistical computer software will be extensively integrated as a tool in the description and analysis of data.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0539   ONLINE HUBBARD M 3.0 DHR 0000 - 0000  
Above class meets entirely online
0540 L/L PH103 JUKL H 3.0 MW 0945A - 1100A 1
    PH101 JUKL H 3.0 F 1010A - 1100A  
0541 L/L PH103 DWYER M 3.0 TuTh 1110A - 1225P 1
    PH101 DWYER M 3.0 F 1110A - 1200P  
2137 L/L MHG4 VIARENGO A 3.0 Tu 0630P - 0920P 1
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site
    MHG5 VIARENGO A 3.0   0530P - 0630P  
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site
2138 L/L HOL2 BATES R 3.0 Th 0530P - 0920P 1
Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site


MATH 7:    Finite Mathematics
Prerequisite: Mathematics 233 with a grade of 'C' or better.
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU-GE: B4; IGETC: 2A; GAV-GE: B4; CAN: MATH 12
Systems of linear equations and matrices, introduction to linear programming, finance, counting techniques and probability, properties of probability and applications of probability.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0542 LEC PH102 LOCKHART L 3.0 MW 1245P - 0200P 1


MATH 8A:    First Half of Precalculus
Prerequisite: Mathematics 233 with a grade of 'C' or better.
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU-GE: B4; IGETC: 2A; GAV-GE: B4
Math 8A prepares the student for the study of calculus by providing important skills in algebraic manipulation, interpretation, and problem solving at the college level. Topics will include basic algebraic concepts, complex numbers, equations and inequalities of the first and second degree, functions, and graphs, linear and quadratic equations, polynomial functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of equations, matrices and determinants, right triangle trigonometry, and the Law of Sines and Cosines.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0543 LEC PH103 DRESCH M 4.0 TuTh 0945A - 1100A 1
      DRESCH M 4.0 F 1010A - 1100A  
0544 LEC SS206 WAGMAN K 4.0 F 0110P - 0200P 1
      WAGMAN K 4.0 MW 1245P - 0200P  


MATH 8B:    Second Half of Precalculus
Prerequisite: Mathematics 8A with a grade of 'C' or better.
Advisory: Math 208 Survey of Practical Geometry.
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU-GE: B4; IGETC: 2A; GAV-GE: B4
Math 8B prepares students for the study of calculus by providing important skills in algebraic manipulation, interpretation, and problem solving at the college level. Topics will include trigonometric functions, identities, inverse trigonometric functions, and equations; applications of trigonometry, vectors, complex numbers, polar and parametric equations; conic sections; sequences, series, counting principles, permutations, mathematical induction; analytic geometry, and an introduction to limits.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0545 LEC LS102 DACHKOVA E 4.0 TuTh 1110A - 1225P  
      DACHKOVA E 4.0 F 1110A - 1200P  


MATH 12:    Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
Prerequisite: Mathematics 208, or successful completion of a high school geometry course and Mathematics 233 with a grade of 'C' or better.
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU-GE: B4; GAV-GE: B4
This course is intended for students preparing for a career in elementary school teaching. Emphasis will be on the structure of the real number system, numeration systems, elementary number theory, and problem solving techniques. Technology will be integrated throughout the course.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
2140 LEC MHG12 KERCHEVAL S 3.0 Tu 0600P - 0850P 1
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site


MATH 205:    Elementary Algebra
Prerequisite: MATH 402 with a grade of 'C' or better or assessment test recommendation.
Transferable: GAV-GE: B4
This course is a standard beginning algebra course, including algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities in one variable, graphing, equations and inequalities in two variables, integer exponents, polynomials, rational expressions and equations, radicals and rational exponents, and quadratic equations. Mathematics 205, 205A and 205B, and 206 have similar course content. This course may not be taken by students who have completed Mathematics 205B or 206 with a grade of "C" or better. This course may be taken for Mathematics 205B credit (2.5 units) by those students who have successfully completed Mathematics 205A with a grade of "C" or better.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0546 LEC PH103 LEE R 5.0 DAILY 0835A - 0925A 1
0547 LEC MHG13 KERCHEVAL S 5.0 MTuWTh 0910A - 1020A 1
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site
0548 LEC SS206 WAGMAN K 5.0 MTuWTh 0945A - 1050A 1
0549 LEC HOL2 MALOKAS J 5.0 MWF 1030A - 1200P 1
Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site
0550 LEC CH109 JUKL H 5.0 MTuWTh 1110A - 1215P 1
0551 LEC CH109 DRESCH M 5.0 MTuWTh 1245P - 0150P 1
2141 LEC HOL4 RAND K 5.0 TuTh 0600P - 0820P 1
Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site
2142 LEC MHG13 KING K 5.0 TuTh 0645P - 0905P 1
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site


MATH 205A:    First Half of Elementary Algebra
Prerequisite: Effective Fall 2005: MATH 402 with a grade of 'C' or better or assessment test recommendation.
Advisory: Concurrent enrollment in Guidance 563A is advised.
Transferable: GAV-GE: B4
This course is the first half of the Elementary Algebra course. It will cover signed numbers, evaluation of expressions, ratios and proportions, solving linear equations, and applications. Graphing of lines, the slope of a line, graphing linear equations, solving systems of equations, basic rules of exponents, and operations on polynomials will be covered.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0552 LEC SS210 LOCKHART L 2.5 F 0810A - 0900A 1
      LOCKHART L 2.5 MW 0810A - 0925A  
0553 LEC PH102 LOCKHART L 2.5 F 0100P - 0200P 1
      LOCKHART L 2.5 TuTh 1245P - 0200P  
2143 LEC SS206 EHLERS G 2.5 TuTh 0630P - 0820P 1


MATH 205B:    Second Half of Elementary Algebra
Prerequisite: Math 205A with a grade of 'C' or better.
Advisory: Concurrent enrollment in Guidance 563B is advised.
Transferable: GAV-GE: B4
This course contains the material covered in the second half of the Elementary Algebra Course. It will cover factoring, polynomials, solving quadratic equations by factoring, rational expressions and equations, complex fractions, radicals and radical equations, solving quadratic equations by completing the square and the quadratic formula. Application problems are integrated throughout the topics.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0554 LEC LS102 DACHKOVA E 2.5 F 1210P - 0100P  
      DACHKOVA E 2.5 TuTh 1245P - 0200P  


MATH 233:    Intermediate Algebra
Prerequisite: Mathematics 205 or Mathematics 205A and 205B or Mathematics 206 with a grade of 'C' or better.
Transferable: GAV-GE: B4
Review of basic concepts, linear equations and inequalities, graphs and functions, systems of linear equations, polynomials and polynomial functions, factoring, rational expressions and equations, roots, radicals, and complex numbers, solving quadratic equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, and problem solving strategies.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0555 LEC LS101 DWYER M 5.0 DAILY 0835A - 0925A 1
0556 LEC MHG3 BUTTERWORTH 5.0 MW 0910A - 1020A 1
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site
    MHG10 BUTTERWORTH 5.0 TuTh    
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site
0557 LEC HOL2 TANNIRU P 5.0 TuWThF 0910A - 1020A 1
Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site
0558 LEC LS103 DACHKOVA E 5.0 MW 0945A - 1050A 1
    CH109 DACHKOVA E 5.0 TuTh    
0559 LEC SS206 WAGMAN K 5.0 MTuWTh 1110A - 1215P 1
0560 LEC PH103 LEE R 5.0 MTuWTh 1245P - 0150P 1
2144 LEC LS101 KNIGHT R 5.0 TuTh 0600P - 0820P  


MATH 400:    Elements of Arithmetic
Transferable: No
Essential arithmetic operations, whole numbers, integers, fractions, decimals, ratio, proportion, percent, applications of arithmetic, and critical thinking, as well as math-specific study skills. Units earned in this course do not count toward the associate degree and/or other certain certificate requirements.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0561 L/L SS206 MALOKAS J 3.0 MTuWTh 0835A - 0925A 1
0562 L/L PH102 DWYER M 3.0 MW 0945A - 1100A 1
      DWYER M 3.0 F 1010A - 1100A  
0563 L/L PH102 DRESCH M 3.0 MW 1110A - 1225P 1
      DRESCH M 3.0 F 1110A - 1200P  


MATH 402:    Pre-Algebra
Prerequisite: Completion of Math 400 with a 'C' or better, or assessment test recommendation.
Transferable: No
This course covers operations with integers, fractions and decimals and associated applications, percentages, ratio, and geometry and measurement, critical thinking and applications. Elementary algebra topics such as variables, expressions, and solving equations are introduced.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0564 L/L MHG3 BUTTERWORTH 3.0 MTuWTh 0810A - 0900A 65
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site
0565 L/L LS102 DRESCH M 3.0 MTuWTh 0835A - 0925A 1
0566 L/L CH102 JUKL H 3.0 TuTh 1245P - 0200P 1
      JUKL H 3.0 F 1210P - 0100P  
2146 L/L PH103 FULLER G 3.0 TuTh 0630P - 0820P 1


MATH 404A:    Self-Paced Basic Math
Transferable: No
This course is a remedial, modular, self-paced course. Application and critical thinking skills are developed in each module. Module A covers operations with whole numbers, equivalent fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions. Module B covers adding and subtracting fractions, and operations with decimals. Module C covers ratio and proportion, percent, and units of measurement. Module D reviews fractions, decimals, percentages, and covers operations with integers, and working with variables. Module E covers real numbers, fractions, exponents, scientific notation, and order of operations. Module F covers expressions, polynomials, and equations. Module G covers geometric figures, perimeter and area, surface area and volume, triangles and parallelograms, and similar figures. This course has the option of a letter grade or credit/no credit.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0567 L/L PH101 DACHKOVA E 1.0 M 1245P - 0200P 1 79
      DACHKOVA E 1.0 F 0110P - 0200P  
      DACHKOVA E 1.0 W 1245P - 0300P  


MATH 404B:    Self-Paced Basic Math
Transferable: No
This course is a remedial, modular, self-paced course. Applications and critical thinking skills are developed in each module. Module A covers operations with whole numbers, equivalent fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions. Module B covers adding and subtracting fractions, and operations with decimals. Module C covers ratio and proportion, percent, and units of measurement. Module D reviews fractions, decimals, percentages, and covers operations with integers, and working with variables. Module E covers real numbers, fractions, exponents, scientific notation, and order of operations. Module F covers expressions, polynomials, and equations. Module G covers geometric figures, perimeter and area, surface area and volume, triangles and parallelograms, and similar figures. This course has the option of a letter grade or credit/no credit.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0568 L/L PH101 DACHKOVA E 1.0 M 1245P - 0200P 1 79
      DACHKOVA E 1.0 F 0110P - 0200P  
      DACHKOVA E 1.0 W 1245P - 0300P  


MATH 404C:    Self-Paced Basic Math
Transferable: No
This is a remedial, modular, self-paced course. Applications and critical thinking skills are developed in each module. Module A covers operations with whole numbers, equivalent fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions. Module B covers adding and subtracting fractions, and operations with decimals. Module C covers ratio and proportion, percent, and units of measurement. Module D reviews fractions, decimals, percentages, and covers operations with integers, and working with variables. Module E covers real numbers, fractions, exponents, scientific notation, and order of operations. Module F covers expressions, polynomials, and equations. Module G covers geometric figures, perimeter and area, surface area and volume, triangles and parallelograms, and similar figures. This course has the option of a letter grade or credit/no credit.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0569 L/L PH101 DACHKOVA E 1.0 M 1245P - 0200P 1 79
      DACHKOVA E 1.0 F 0110P - 0200P  
      DACHKOVA E 1.0 W 1245P - 0300P  


MATH 404D:    Self-Paced Basic Math
Transferable: No
This course is a remedial modular, self-paced course. Applications and critical thinking skills are developed in each module. Module A covers operations with whole numbers, equivalent fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions. Module B covers adding and subtracting fractions, and operations with decimals. Module C covers ratio and proportion, percent and units of measurement. Module D reviews fractions, decimals, percentages, and covers operations with integers, and working with variables. Module E covers real numbers, fractions, exponents, scientific notation, and order of operations. Module F covers expressions, polynomials, and equations. Module G covers geometric figures, perimeter and area, surface area and volume, triangles and parallelograms, and similar figures. This course has the option of a letter grade or credit/no credit.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0570 L/L PH101 DACHKOVA E 1.0 M 1245P - 0200P 1 79
      DACHKOVA E 1.0 F 0110P - 0200P  
      DACHKOVA E 1.0 W 1245P - 0300P  


MATH 404E:    Self-Paced Basic Math
Transferable: No
This course is a remedial, modular, self-paced course. Applications and critical thinking skills are developed in each module. Module A covers operations with whole numbers, equivalent fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions. Module B covers adding and subtracting fractions, and operations with decimals. Module C covers ratio and proportion, percent, and units of measurement. Module D reviews fractions, decimals, percentages, and covers operations with integers, and working with variables. Module E covers real numbers, fractions, exponents, scientific notation, and order of operations. Module F covers expressions, polynomials, and equations. Module G covers geometric figures, perimeter and area, surface area and volume, triangles and parallelograms, and similar figures. This course has the option of a letter grade or credit/no credit.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0571 L/L PH101 DACHKOVA E 1.0 M 1245P - 0200P 1 79
      DACHKOVA E 1.0 F 0110P - 0200P  
      DACHKOVA E 1.0 W 1245P - 0300P  


MATH 404F:    Self-Paced Basic Math
Transferable: No
This course is a remedial, modular, self-paced course. Applications and critical thinking skills are developed in each module. Module A covers operations with whole numbers, equivalent fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions. Module B covers adding and subtracting fractions, and operations with decimals. Module C covers ratio and proportion, percent, and units of measurement. Module D reviews fractions, decimals, percentages, and covers operations with integers, and working with variables. Module E covers real numbers, fractions, exponents, scientific notation, and order of operations. Module F covers expressions, polynomials, and equations. Module G covers geometric figures, perimeter and area, surface area and volume, triangles and parallelograms and similar figures. This course has the option of a letter grade or credit/no credit.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0572 L/L PH101 DACHKOVA E 1.0 M 1245P - 0200P 1 79
      DACHKOVA E 1.0 W 1245P - 0300P  
      DACHKOVA E 1.0 F 0110P - 0200P  


MATH 404G:    Self-Paced Basic Math
Transferable: No
This course is a remedial, modular, self-paced course. Applications and critical thinking skills are developed in each module. Module A covers operations with whole numbers, equivalent fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions. Module B covers adding and subtracting fractions, and operations with decimals. Module C covers ratio and proportion, percent, and units of measurement. Module D reviews fractions, decimals, percentages, and covers operations with integers, and working with variables. Module E covers real numbers, fractions, exponents, scientific notation, and order of operations. Module F covers expressions, polynomials, and equations. Module G covers geometric figures, perimeter and area, surface area and volume, triangles and parallelograms, and similar figures. This course has the option of a letter grade or credit/no credit.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0573 L/L PH101 DACHKOVA E 1.0 M 1245P - 0200P 1 79
      DACHKOVA E 1.0 F 0110P - 0200P  
      DACHKOVA E 1.0 W 1245P - 0300P  





Address of this page: http://www.gavilan.edu/schedule/mathematics.htm
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Page generated on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 06:54 AM