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ENGL 1A:    Composition
Prerequisite: English 250 and English 260 with a grade of 'C' or better or satisfactory score on the English placement examination.
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU-GE: A2; IGETC: 1A; GAV-GE: A2; CAN: ENGL 2, ENGL SEQ. A
This is a writing course which emphasizes expository writing, argumentative writing, and critical reading of expository prose. It is meant to train students in clear thinking and reasoned support of ideas. Students will be given the opportunity to read models of good expository and argumentative prose and learn the techniques of good writing. These include choosing appropriate subjects, developing restricted, unified, and precise theses and presenting supporting evidence in a logical, lucid, and effective manner. To achieve this end, students write no fewer than six essays and read at least five works, two of which are book length.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0262 LEC HU103 HESSE D 3.0 MW 0810A - 0925A 1
0263 LEC HU103 LUOMA D 3.0 TuTh 0810A - 0925A 1
0264 LEC HOL1 WISDOM K 3.0 TuTh 0900A - 1015A 1
Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site
0265 LEC HU103 HESSE D 3.0 MW 0945A - 1100A 1
0266 LEC HU102 SALVIN C 3.0 TuTh 0945A - 1100A 1
0267 LEC MHG3 CAMOZZI A 3.0 TuTh 1030A - 1145A 1
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site
0268 LEC HU102 LUOMA D 3.0 F 1110A - 0200P 1
0269 LEC HU103 CROOK E 3.0 MW 1245P - 0200P 1
0270 LEC HU103 LUOMA D 3.0 TuTh 1245P - 0200P 1
0271 LEC HU102 SCHWARTZ Y 3.0 MW 0215P - 0330P 1
0272 LEC HU103 GARDNER L 3.0 TuTh 0400P - 0515P 1
0273   ONLINE CROOK E 3.0 DHR 0000 - 0000 1 38
Above class meets entirely online
0274   ONLINE CHAFFIN C 3.0 DHR 0000 - 0000 1 38
Above class meets entirely online
2087 LEC HU103 KOVACS M 3.0 M 0630P - 0920P 1
2088 LEC HOL2 BRETT T 3.0 Tu 0630P - 0920P 1
Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site
2089 LEC MHG10 JACKSON J 3.0 Th 0630P - 0920P 1
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site


ENGL 1B:    Composition and Literature
Prerequisite: English 1A with a grade of "C" or better.
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU-GE: C ; IGETC: 3B; GAV-GE: C2; CAN: ENGL 4, ENGL SEQ. A
English 1B continues the work begun in 1A, but now the emphasis shifts to writing expository prose in conjunction with reading and analyzing imaginative literature. Students are to write as fledgling critics and use the text as a basis for other forms of reflection. The reading requirement includes short stories, poetry, drama, and at least two novels. Course work will also include fundamentals of research writing.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0275 LEC HU102 JAMES R 3.0 MW 0810A - 0925A  
0276 LEC HU102 HESSE D 3.0 F 0810A - 1100A 1
0277 LEC HU103 JAMES R 3.0 MW 1110A - 1225P 1
0278 LEC CJ500 CAMOZZI A 3.0 TuTh 1245P - 0200P 1
0279 LEC HU103 JACKSON S 3.0 MW 0215P - 0330P  
0280   ONLINE WARREN K 3.0 DHR 0000 - 0000 1 38
Above class meets entirely online
0281   ONLINE HOOPER J 3.0 DHR 0000 - 0000 1 38
Above class meets entirely online
2090 LEC HU103 BRETT T 3.0 Th 0630P - 0920P 1


ENGL 1C:    Critical Reasoning and Writing
Prerequisite: English 1A with a grade of "C" or better.
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU-GE: A3; IGETC: 1B; GAV-GE: C2
This course is designed to develop critical thinking, reading, and writing skills beyond the level achieved in English 1A. The emphasis is on critical analysis of arguments and the development of the ability to integrate the principles of critical thinking into essay writing.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0282 LEC HU102 CONDON D 3.0 TuTh 0810A - 0925A 1
0283 LEC MHG3 JACKSON S 3.0 TuTh 0900A - 1015A 1
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site
0284 LEC HU102 CANDELARIA X 3.0 TuTh 1245P - 0200P 1
0285   ONLINE CANDELARIA X 3.0 DHR 0000 - 0000 1 38
Above class meets entirely online
2091 LEC HU102 BRETT T 3.0 W 0630P - 0920P 1


ENGL 2C:    Introduction to Film and Fiction
Prerequisite: Eligible for English 1A.
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU-GE: C2; IGETC: 3B; GAV-GE: C2
This is a literature course in analysis of the novel and film as art forms. The student will read several novels, view the films based on the novels, and discuss the difference in techniques, both orally and in writing.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
2092 LEC SS214 RICHARDS G 3.0 Th 0630P - 0920P 1


ENGL 4B:    British Literature - 1798 to Present
Prerequisite: Eligible for English 1A.
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU-GE: C2; IGETC: 3B; GAV-GE: C2; CAN: ENGL 10, ENGL SEQ. B
This course is a study of the masters of British literature, covering writers such as Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelly, Keats, Tennyson, Browning, Bronte, Hardy, Hopkins, Yeats, Woolf, Joyce, Lawrence, Eliot, and Lessing. English 4B covers 1798 A.D. to the present. Note: This course need not be taken in sequence.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0287   ONLINE JAMES R 3.0 DHR 0000 - 0000  
Above class meets entirely online


ENGL 9A:    Introduction to Creative Writing
Prerequisite: Eligible for English 1A.
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU-GE: C2; GAV-GE: C2; CAN: ENGL 6
This course includes the writing, reading, and critical discussions of various forms of poetry and fiction.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0288 LEC AR103 SALVIN C 3.0 TuTh 1110A - 1225P 1
2093 LEC SS110 CANDELARIA X 3.0 W 0530P - 0820P  


ENGL 9B:    Advanced Creative Writing
Prerequisite: English 9A with a grade of credit or C or better.
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU-GE: C2; GAV-GE: C2
This class is a continuation of English 9A, with the emphasis shifting to publication. The genre of non-fiction will be the primary focus, but the genres of fiction will also be taught at a more comprehensive level than in English 9A. The process of finding a market for one's work will be followed step by step. The class may compile and publish Soaring, Gavilan's literary magazine, each spring semester.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0289 LEC AR103 SALVIN C 3.0 TuTh 1110A - 1225P 1
2094 LEC SS110 CANDELARIA X 3.0 W 0530P - 0820P  


ENGL 9C:    Poetry Writing
Prerequisite: English 9A with a grade or credit or C or better.
Transferable: CSU; UC; CSU-GE: C2; GAV-GE: C2
This course includes the writing, reading, and critical discussions of various forms of poetry.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0290 LEC AR103 SALVIN C 3.0 TuTh 1110A - 1225P 1
2095 LEC SS110 CANDELARIA X 3.0 W 0530P - 0820P  


ENGL 12A:    Tutoring Writers: Training, Theory & Practice
Advisory: Eligible for English 1A.
Transferable: CSU
Fundamentals of compositional theory, the writing process, peer-to-peer communication, interacting with faculty and educational institutions and effective responses to writing will be covered. In addition, students will gain an understanding of the basic history, methodology and practice of writing pedagogy while developing a writing community that aids in connecting them to their own writing practice.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0291 LEC LI120 SMITH K 1.0 MTuWTh 0900A - 0200P 1
Class meets 08/15/05 - 08/18/05
0292 LEC LI120 SMITH K 2.0 Th 0200P - 0400P  
0748 LEC LI120 SMITH K 3.0 MTuWTh 0900A - 0200P  


ENGL 12B:    Tutoring Writers: Training, Theory & Practice
Advisory: Eligible for English 1A.
Transferable: CSU
Fundamentals of compositional theory, the writing process, peer-to-peer communication, interacting with faculty and educational institutions and effective responses to writing will be covered. In addition, students will gain an understanding of the basic history, methodology and practice of writing pedagogy while developing a writing community that aids in connecting them to their own writing practice.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0293 LEC LI120 SMITH K 1.0 MTuWTh 0900A - 0200P  
Class meets 08/15/05 - 08/18/05
0294 LEC LI120 SMITH K 2.0 Th 0200P - 0400P  


ENGL 12C:    Tutoring Writers: Training, Theory & Practice
Advisory: Eligible for English 1A.
Transferable: CSU
Fundamentals of compositional theory, the writing process, peer-to-peer communication, interacting with faculty and educational institutions and effective responses to writing will be covered. In addition, students will gain an understanding of the basic history, methodology and practice of writing pedagogy while developing a writing community that aids in connecting them to their own writing practice.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0295 LEC LI120 SMITH K 3.0 MTuWTh 0900A - 0200P  
Class meets 08/15/05 - 08/18/05
0740 LEC LI120 SMITH K 1.0 Th 0200P - 0400P  


ENGL 22:    Field Work and Service
Required: Learning contracts must be filled out and signed by the student and the supervising instructor.
Transferable: CSU
Supervised field work within the college and with local agencies. Students serve in useful group activities in leadership roles prescribed for them by faculty or community agencies. A maximum of six units may be completed. This is a credit/no credit course.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0296 FEX CJ500 WARREN K 1.0 TBA 0000 - 0000 21
0297 FEX CJ500 WARREN K 1.0 F 1010A - 1100A 1B 21
      WARREN K 1.0      


ENGL 23:    Independent Study
Required: The study outline prepared by the student and the instructor must be filed with the department and the dean.
Transferable: CSU
Designed to afford selected students specialized opportunities for exploring areas at the independent study level. The courses may involve extensive library work, research in the community, or special projects. May be repeated until six units of credit are accrued. This course has the option of a letter grade or credit/no credit.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0298 IND SS104 WARREN K 1.0 DHR 0000 - 0000 22


ENGL 250:    Practical Writing
Prerequisite: Satisfactory score on the English placement examination or English 440 with a grade of 'C' or better.
Transferable: GAV-GE: A2
This course covers writing clear, correct, effective essays and learning preliminary research skills.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0299 L/L CJ500 WARREN K 3.0 MW 0900A - 1015A 1 18 1C
      WARREN K 3.0 F 0910A - 1000A  
0300 L/L HU102 SALVIN C 3.0 MW 0945A - 1100A 1 18
    LI171 SALVIN C 3.0 F 0810A - 0900A  
0301 L/L HU102 SALVIN C 3.0 MW 0945A - 1100A 1 18
    LI171 SALVIN C 3.0 F 0910A - 1000A  
0302 L/L SS203 CONDON D 3.0 TuTh 0945A - 1100A 1 18
    LI171 CONDON D 3.0 Tu 1110A - 1200P  
0303 L/L SS203 CONDON D 3.0 TuTh 0945A - 1100A 1 18
    LI171 CONDON D 3.0 Th 1110A - 1200P  
0304 L/L HOL1 WISDOM K 3.0 TuTh 1030A - 1145A 1 18
Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site
      WISDOM K 3.0 Tu 1200P - 1250P  
Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site
0305 L/L HOL1 WISDOM K 3.0 TuTh 1030A - 1145A 1 18
Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site
      WISDOM K 3.0 Th 1200P - 1250P  
Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site
0306 L/L HU102 SALVIN C 3.0 MW 1110A - 1225P 1 18
    LI171 SALVIN C 3.0 F 1010A - 1100A  
0307 L/L HU102 SALVIN C 3.0 MW 1110A - 1225P 1 18
    LI171 SALVIN C 3.0 F 1110A - 1200P  
0308 L/L HU102 CANDELARIA X 3.0 TuTh 1110A - 1225P 1 18 82
    LI120 CANDELARIA X 3.0 Tu 1010A - 1100A  
0309 L/L HU102 CANDELARIA X 3.0 TuTh 1110A - 1225P 1 18 82
    LI120 CANDELARIA X 3.0 Th 1010A - 1100A  
0310 L/L HU103 CROOK E 3.0 TuTh 1110A - 1225P 1 18 36
    LI120 CROOK E 3.0 Tu 1235P - 0125P  
0311 L/L HU103 CROOK E 3.0 TuTh 1110A - 1225P 1 18 36
    LI120 CROOK E 3.0 Th 1235P - 0125P  
0312 L/L SS111 ARCE M 3.0 TuTh 1245P - 0200P 1 18 1D
    LI120 ARCE M 3.0 Th 1145A - 1235P  
0313 L/L SS111 ARCE M 3.0 TuTh 1245P - 0200P 1 18 1E
    LI120 ARCE M 3.0 Tu 1145A - 1235P  
0744 L/L MHG3 HIRASUNA S 3.0 MW 1030A - 1145A  
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site
      HIRASUNA S 3.0 M 1200P - 0150P  
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site
0746 L/L MHG3 STAFF 3.0 MW 1030A - 1145A  
      STAFF 3.0 W 1200P - 0150P  
2096 L/L SS210 GARDNER L 3.0 Tu 0530P - 0920P 1 18
2097 L/L MHG13 GRAY J 3.0 M W 0700P - 0850P 1 18
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site


ENGL 260:    Preparation for College Reading
Prerequisite: Completion of English 420 or Assessment recommendation.
Transferable: GAV-GE: A3
This is a course presenting strategies in the technique and practice of college level critical reading and thinking skills.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0314 LEC HU103 ARCE M 3.0 TuTh 0945A - 1100A 1 48
0315 LEC CJ500 WARREN K 3.0 MW 1015A - 1145A 1 36
      SLOAN S 3.0      
0316 LEC HU102 SCHWARTZ Y 3.0 MW 1245P - 0200P 1
0745 LEC SS203 TRACEY I 3.0 F 0800A - 1100A  
2098 LEC MHG13 GRAY J 3.0 M W 0530P - 0645P  
Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site


ENGL 420:    Reading Improvement
Prerequisite: English 438 or English 439 with a grade of 'C' or better, or satisfactory score on the English placement examination.
Transferable: No
This is a practical, "how to" course teaching various methods of learning and reading college material. Using group and individual instruction in vocabulary, comprehension, and study skills, the students will increase their ability to survive academically, to profit, grow and succeed in all college courses, and to enjoy reading and learning. Units earned in this course do not count toward the associate degree and/or certain certificate requirements.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0317 L/L SS111 RICHARDS G 3.0 MW&1 0945A - 1100A 1
0318 L/L SS111 RICHARDS G 3.0 MW&1 0945A - 1100A 1
0319 L/L LS101 HOOPER J 3.0 TuTh&1 0945A - 1100A 1 1I
0320 L/L SS111 HOOPER J 3.0 TuTh&1 0945A - 1100A 1 1J
0321 L/L SS203 RICHARDS G 3.0 MW&1 1110A - 1225P 1 1F
0322 L/L SS111 HOOPER J 3.0 TuTh&1 1110A - 1225P 1 1K
0323 L/L SS111 HOOPER J 3.0 TuTh&1 1110A - 1225P 1 1L
2099 L/L HOL6 PARKER V 3.0 TuTh 0530P - 0720P 48
Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site


ENGL 420L:    Reading Improvement Lab
Transferable: No
Reading improvement lab for English 420.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0324 LAB LI999 RICHARDS G .0 W 0810A - 0900A  
0325 LAB LI999 RICHARDS G .0 F 0810A - 0900A  
0326 LAB LI999 RICHARDS G .0 M 0845A - 0935A  
0327 LAB LI999 RICHARDS G .0 Tu 0845A - 0935A  
0328 LAB LI999 RICHARDS G .0 Th 0845A - 0935A  
0329 LAB LI999 RICHARDS G .0 F 1010A - 1100A  
0330 LAB LI999 RICHARDS G .0 M 1110A - 1200P  
0331 LAB LI999 RICHARDS G .0 F 1110A - 1200P  
0332 LAB LI999 RICHARDS G .0 M 0110P - 0200P  
0333 LAB LI999 RICHARDS G .0 W 0110P - 0200P  
0334 LAB LI999 RICHARDS G .0 Tu 0210P - 0300P  
0335 LAB LI999 RICHARDS G .0 Th 0210P - 0300P  


ENGL 438:    Basic Literacy
Advisory: Assessment recommendation.
Transferable: No
This is an individualized remediation course designed for students with low-level literacy skills. Emphasis will be in the areas of spelling, grammar, and punctuation skill, and sentence and paragraph construction. The course will also help students build vocabulary, develop reading strategies for better comprehension, and improve study skills. This course may be repeated three times for credit. This is a credit/no credit course. Units earned in this course do not count toward the associate degree and/or certain certificate requirements.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0336 LAB LI120 SMITH K 2.0 W&3 1110A - 1225P  
0337 LAB LI120 SMITH K 2.0 Tu&3 0215P - 0330P  


ENGL 440:    Basic Writing
Prerequisite: English 438 or English 439 with a grade of 'C' or better, or satisfactory score on the English placement examination.
Transferable: No
This is an intensive study and application of basic grammar, sentence, and essay writing skills within the context of composing short essays. Units earned in this course do not count toward the associate degree and/or certain certificate requirements.
Sect# Type Room Instructor Units Days Time Start-End Footnotes
0338 L/L SS111 SANDLER S 3.0 MW 0810A - 0925A 1 18
    LI120 SANDLER S 3.0 F 0810A - 0900A  
0339 L/L LI120 SANDLER S 3.0 MW 0810A - 0925A 1 18
      SANDLER S 3.0 F 0910A - 1000A  
0340 L/L SS203 SANDLER S 3.0 MW 0945A - 1100A 1 18 1G
    LI120 SANDLER S 3.0 F 1010A - 1100A  
0341 L/L SS203 SANDLER S 3.0 MW 0945A - 1100A 1 18 1H
    LI120 SANDLER S 3.0 F 1110A - 1200P  
0342 L/L HU101 CROOK E 3.0 MW 1110A - 1225P 1 18
    LI120 CROOK E 3.0 M 1010A - 1100A  
0343 L/L HU101 CROOK E 3.0 MW 1110A - 1225P 1 18
    LI120 CROOK E 3.0 W 1010A - 1100A  
0344 L/L HU101 HULL K 3.0 TuTh 1110A - 1225P 1 1M 18
    LI120 HULL K 3.0 Tu 0845A - 0935A  
0345 L/L HU101 HULL K 3.0 TuTh 1110A - 1225P 1 1N 18
    LI120 HULL K 3.0 Th 0845A - 0935A  
0346 L/L SS203 HULL K 3.0 TuTh 1245P - 0200P 1 1O 18
    LI171 HULL K 3.0 Tu 0210P - 0300P  
0347 L/L SS203 HULL K 3.0 TuTh 1245P - 0200P 1 1P 18
    LI171 HULL K 3.0 Th 0210P - 0300P  
2100 L/L HOL6 PARKER V 3.0 TuTh 0730P - 0920P 48
Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site





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Page generated on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 06:54 AM