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Grant: HSIAC Federal Title V Hispanic Serving Institutions; submitted by WRD Consultants; $3.2 million over 5 yrs (2010-2015), Sept 2010. 

Grant: Federal TRIO Student Support Services, $1.3 million over 5 yrs (2010 -2015), August 2010, by Larry Moeller

Grant: Nursing 2010-12 Enrollment Growth and Retention for Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Registered Nurse (RN) Programs, Application Template and editing for submission by Larry Moeller, content advice by K. Bedell, March 2010

Grant: IRDC, Economic Development & Workforce Prep - Water Treatment Technology - $292,905, Application Template and editing for submission by Larry Moeller, content by Terry Newman & Sherrean Carr, March 2010

Grant. CCRAA - (STEM) Cooperative Grant with San Jose State University. $2.2 million, Application Template and editing by Larry Moeller with content advice by Vic Krimsley, Vic Robinson, Saul Salinas, Dave Phillips, John Pruitt, and SJSU; submitted by WRD Consultants; awarded October 2008

Grant. Animal Biotechnology IRDC 08-0327 Workforce Grant; $167,554 over 2 yrs, Gavilan Community Services Division, Application Template and editing for submission by Larry Moeller, content by Terry Newman, June 2008

Grant. Tech Prep, for Allied Health Occupations, estimated $425,000 over 5 yrs (2008-2013), 5-Year Plan and 2008-2009 funding, California Community Colleges, $81,405 for 2008-09, Application Template and editing for submission by Larry Moeller, content advice by K. Bedell, awarded July 2008

Grant: Nursing 2008-10 Enrollment Growth and Retention for Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Registered Nurse (RN) Programs, 08-116-25, $214,000 over 2 yrs, $107,000 2008-09, Application Template and editing for submission by Larry Moeller, content advice by K. Bedell, May 2008

Grant, Nursing Equipment, COCCC 07-0125, Application Template and editing for submission by Larry Moeller, content advice by K. Bedell, Feb 2008, $65,640

Grant, Nursing Augmentation for Enrollment Growth & Retention for (ADN) Registered Nurse (RN) Programs, Application Template and editing for submission by Larry Moeller, content advice by K. Bedell, Jan 2008 $58,335.

Grant, Title V Hispanic Serving Institutions Cooperative Grant with Hartnell College, Basic Skills and Research, 2007-2012, $3,565,000 over 5 years. Written by Hartnell College consultant with contributions from Cicely McWright (Hartnell) and editing for submission by Larry Moeller (Gavilan); Gavilan Share 40% = $1,426,000

Grant: CAHSEE 2005-06 Extended Remediation project, California Community Colleges, by Larry Moeller, June 2007, $220,730

Grant, Tech Prep Transition (2007-2008), California Community Colleges, May 8, 2007; Application Template and editing for submission by Larry Moeller, content advice by K. Bedell, $75,000

Grant Augmentation: Nursing Capacity Building, (2007-2008), California Community Colleges, February 2007; Application Template and editing for submission by Larry Moeller, content advice by K. Bedell, $49,970

Grant Augmentation: Nursing Capacity Building, $49,970, (2007-2008), California Community Colleges, Application Template and editing for submission by Larry Moeller, content advice by K. Bedell, February 2006

Grant: CAHSEE remediation project, $269,577 California Community Colleges, by Larry Moeller, November 2006,

Grant: Nursing Capacity Building, $290,000 over 2 yrs, (2006-2008), California Community Colleges, Application Template and editing for submission by Larry Moeller, content advice by K. Bedell, April 2006

Grant: Federal TRIO Student Support Services, $1.3 million over 5 yrs (2005-2009, extended to 2010), by Larry Moeller

Grant: Kaiser Permanente Foundation, Increasing Success and Supply of Qualified Nursing Students via an Online Anatomy Laboratory, $50,000, Application Template and editing for submission by Larry Moeller, content advice by K. Bedell, November 2004

Centers for International Trade Development, Statewide Leadership, by Larry Moeller, Feb 2004, $456,000 over 3 yrs.

Grant: EdShare, Web-based curriculum for Student Financial Aid Responsibility, $120,000 over 3 yrs, by Larry Moeller with content advice by Audren Morris

Grant: Community Technology Center; Breaching the Digital Divide, Hispanic Institutions Assisting Communities (HUD-HSIAC), $600,000 over 3 yrs, (2002-2005); by Larry Moeller, Oct 2002, U.S. Dept of Housing & Urban Development (100 points)

Grant: Federal HSI Title V Collaborative with Hartnell College, $2.9 million over 5 yrs ($1.4 million Gavilan share), (2002-2007), August 2002, co-authored by Larry Moeller and Fred McKee

Grant: Biotechnology Regional Economic Development Center, State of California (EDNET), by Larry Moeller, $800,000 over 5 yrs, June 2002, (2002-2007)

Grant: Integrating Multimedia video with Web-based Information Competency courses, Fund for Instructional Improvement, State of California, $65,000, June 2002, co-authored by Larry Moeller and Shuk Au-yeung

Grant: Wireless MobiLan Technology Laboratory for MESA (Math-Science Engineering Achievement), by Larry Moeller, $100,000, June 2001.  Hewlett Packard Corporation

Grant: Federal TRIO Student Support Services, by Larry Moeller, April 2001, $1.2 million over 4 yrs (2001-2005).  96 points. (1500 applicants, 162 funded, 32 new awards)

Grant: Federal Title V Strengthening Institutions, Hispanic Serving Institutions; by Larry Moeller, June 2000; $1.9 Million over 5 yrs (2000-2005).  96.5 points

Grant: English-as-a-Second-Language ELLIS client-server software acquisition.  By Larry Moeller with content advice by Bea Lawn, The David & Lucile Packard Foundation, August 1999.  $75,000.

Grant:  Hispanic Institutions Assisting Communities (HUD-HSIAC) Downtown Gilroy Economic Development & Gavilan campus extension. U.S. Dept of Housing & Urban Development, August 1999, Application Template, research, and editing for submission by Larry Moeller, $330,000.

Grant: Client-Server computing laboratory to support ESL, Math, English & Information Competency instruction.  California Partnership for Excellence fund.  By Larry Moeller, October 1999.  $77,500

Grant: Air conditioning system for Gavilan College Theater Building.  By Larry Moeller. David & Lucile Packard Foundation, May 1999.  $90,000.  (parlayed via the College Foundation into an additional Packard grant of $200,000 plus community and institutional matching that resulted in a $1 Million HVAC installation in 2002.

Grant:  Computer Equipment to support MESA program and Computer Graphics expansion.  By Larry Moeller. Hewlett Packard Corporation, July 1999.  $15,000

Grant:  “Arts Attack” Folklorico Costumes for ASB Folklorico Dance Club.  By Larry Moeller. Community Foundation Silicon Valley, May 1999.  $2500.

Grant. Supplemental Instruction for Student Retention & Support.  By Larry Moeller. California Community Colleges noncredit matriculation program, 1997-98. $60,000.

Grants (2), Establish Campus E-Mail system and Internet Connectivity.  By Larry Moeller. UC Irvine & California Community Colleges. $20,000.  1994-95

Grant. Child Development Center Expansion (HIGH/SCOPE based).  By Larry Moeller with Content Advice By Jeanne Moore Cleave. California State Department of Education. (Top rated proposal). $117,195. 1991-3.

Grant, Workforce Development; Electronics & Computer Control Systems for auto mechanics.  By Larry Moeller. $154,240. 1990, California Employment Training Panel. 

Grant.  Vocational Instructor Upgrading. By Larry Moeller. California Community Colleges; $10,700, 1993.




This page last updated 01-03- 2011