Tuesday, January 13, 2009

CLOSED SESSION – 6:00 p.m.   

OPEN SESSION – 7:00 p.m.




I.         CALL TO ORDER

      The meeting was called to order by Deb Smith at 6:00 p.m.

1.      Roll Call

Trustees:  Deb Smith, Elvira Robinson, Kent Child, Laura Perry, Mark Dover, Tom Breen, Mike Davenport


2.      Recess to closed session

      The Board recessed to closed session at 6:00 p.m.


II.       OPEN SESSION 7:00 p.m.

1.      Call to Order

      The meeting was called to order by Deb Smith at 7:08 p.m.


2.      Roll Call

Deb Smith, Elvira Robinson, Kent Child, Mark Dover, Tom Breen, Laura Perry, Mike Davenport, Andrew Williams


      Dr. Steven M. Kinsella, Superintendent/President    

      Dr. Victor S. Krimsley, Acting President

      Fran Lopez, Interim Vice President of Instruction

      Joe Keeler, Vice President of Administrative Services

      Rosie Armstrong, Professional Support Staff


      Suzanne Bulle, Recording Secretary


Others in Attendance: Ron Hannon, Jan Bernstein Chargin, Susan Alonzo, Carol McEwan, Anne Ratto, Rachel Perez, Sherrean Carr


3.      Pledge of Allegiance

Trustee Dover led the pledge of allegiance.


4.      Report of any action taken in closed session

MSC (Perry/Robinson) unanimously carried to accept the resignation of an Assistant MIS Director and ratify the written settlement and release agreement between the District and that employee pursuant to which the employee releases all claims against the District in return for compensation equal to three months pay and 4 months of continued medical coverage.


5.      Consent Agenda

MSC (Dover/Child) unanimously carried to approve consent agenda with corrections.


6.         Approval of Agenda

MSC (Perry/Williams) unanimously carried to approve agenda with changes.


7.         Comments from the Public - This is a time for the public to address the Board.



8.         Officers' Reports


(a)   Vice Presidents

Joe reported out of the 22 samples of water tested, 1 contained copper and 8 contained lead; all fixtures replaced.  In December, a month before the state request to test water, 73 samples were tested, of those 1 contained copper, 5 contained lead, which is within the 10% threshold.  Results have been reported to the state.  The next test for all 73 areas will be in June 2009.


John reported that enrollment, compared to the same date as last year, is up 8% with 704 additional head count.


(b)   College President

Steve Kinsella reported that there is no new information from the state.  Right now the proposal is to eliminate the living allowance of .68%, which was not included in the college budget.  The state budget for 2009-10 is still undecided but growth money is being proposed, but no COLA.  The college is doing well with finances; budget numbers are conservative and the retiree fund continues to go up and down.  The college will continue to be cautious and prepared.


(c)   Academic Senate

Debbie Klein reported that most faculty are on break; the first Senate meeting is scheduled for Feb. 3rd.  Russell Lee has resigned as Vice President and Erin Crook has agreed to serve on an interim basis.


(d)  Professional Support Staff

      Diana Seelie announced the results of the CSEA elections:  President, Carol McEwan, Vice President, Diana Seelie, Secretary, Diane Stone, Treasurer, Laurel Blakley, CPRO, Shannon Bishop, Job Stewards: Rosie Armstrong, Jose Morales, and Monica Quiroz-Rivera.  Trustee Smith expressed appreciation for the professional newsletter that is distributed by Shannon Bishop.


            (e)  Student Representative

      Student Trustee Williams announced that this was his last meeting as Student Trustee and introduced Joey Hayes as the incoming student trustee. The ASB is planning activities for back to school week.


(f)   Board Member Comments

Trustee Robinson wished Andrew the best of luck to Andrew Williams.  Trustee Breen is scheduled to attend the ACCT Conference in Feb.  Trustees Breen and Child attended the retirement dinner for Tim Foley.


(g)  Board President

Trustee Smith thanked Vic for stepping in as Acting President and welcomed Debbie Klein, and Joey Hayes.



(h)   Board Committee Reports

Board Policy Subcommittee met today to discuss Board Policy 2015 Student Member(s).  This is on the agenda for action.


9.            Information/Staff Reports

      (a)  Recognition of the Employee of the Month

Joe reported that the December Employee of the Month is Ericson Estamos from the MIS department.  Trustee Smith stated that the Board would like to invite the recipient of the award to the board meeting and participate in the award presentation.  Joe will follow up with Shairon Zingsheim.


(b)   Financial Analysis of the Financial Position and Financial Condition of the Gavilan Joint Community College District

Steve reviewed the highlights of report.  Trustee Dover noted that the report is well written.  All staff will be receiving the report and it will be discussed at Staff Development Day. Trustee Child stated that the detail was very useful and acknowledged Steve’s leadership. Trustee Davenport stated that it is a positive model of how to manage through tough economic times and suggested that the report be shared with the Gilroy and Morgan Hill Leadership Education Day meetings.


(c)   Expenditure Reduction Task Force Update

Ron reported that the proposed reductions are on the agenda for action by the Board.  The Task Force is continuing to meet to identify additional reductions for the next fiscal year.


(d)   Create Online Annual Report to the Community 2007-08

Jan reported that the annual report to the community has been produced and distributed to the community for past three years.  A recommendation has come forward to create an online version of the report and to distribute to stakeholders by post card with web address, and a Chamber eblast. Morgan Hill Chamber will still need a hard copy.  Trustee Breen noted that the Hollister Downtown Association distributes information by email.  This would save the college $5,000 in printing and mailing costs.  Trustee Dover supported the continued distribution of the report to the community after this year. Trustee Perry supported the idea to email to some community members, but to continue to send out hard copies.  Student Trustee Williams supports sending out a hard copy.  Trustee Smith suggested that the report be included in the Schedule of Classes and the Community Education schedule.  The consensus of the Board was to continue to print and distribute the Annual Report to the Community.


(e)   Reverse Credit Payment for Sale of ASB Cards

John reported that a recommendation has been made to change the approach on how we assess and collect fee for ASB cards.  The ASB has noticed a drop in revenue ($25,000 in the last 2 years) since the fee was not mandatory in the Banner system.  The recommendation is to have students pay for the ASB card when registering and apply for a refund if they do not want the card.  They can expect a refund in the beginning of summer.   There is on-going discussion about how the cards will be distributed.  The fees pay for several student activities including guest speakers in the Writing Center.  Total revenue for the ASB is $111,000 which includes ASB card and other fees.

(f)     Foundation for California Community Colleges Gavilan College/GUSD Implementation Grant Agreement Renewal, Budget Reports, and Progress Report, and TJO/GECA Interim Principal Announcement

John reported that the college completed and filed the grant application and it has been renewed.  Mary Ann Boylan has been appointed as Interim Principal for the remaining of the academic year.


(g)   Pay for Print: GoPrint

Vic reported that this was a recommendation to assist in controlling cost and reducing waste in printing materials.  The GoPrint system is being used in many area schools and has been successful.  Students will be able to purchase a card with a number of copies.  There is a possibility of tying the number of copies to the ASB card.  Students can also purchase copies on a separate card.  The system will be installed for use this spring.  This has been presented to President’s Council.  This will be available at the off sites and each lab will be equipped with the software.


(h)   Revised Measure E Bond Quarterly Financial Status Report

                  Provided for information


(i)      Monthly Financial Report

      Provided for information



1.      Old Business

(a)   Board Policy 2015 Student Member(s)

MSC (Perry/Robinson) unanimously carried to approve amendments to Board Policy 2015.  The term of the student trustee will be one year with the option of running for a second term. Trustee Perry thanked Student Trustee Williams for pointing out the concern of keeping the two year term.


2.      New Business

            (a)  Curriculum

                  MSC (Child/Dover) unanimously carried to approve the curriculum.


(b)  2008 Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) Report

                  MSC (Dover/Perry) unanimously carried to approve the 2008 Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) Report.  Trustee Child acknowledged the work of the IEC and noted the achievable goals.  Trustee Dover noted the positive comments.  Trustee Breen noted in spite of being short staffed, Facilities and Human Resources are doing the work. Joe acknowledged Dr. Krimsley for his assistance in creating a collegial environment. Vic acknowledged Lynn Lockhart, Randy Brown, Fran Lopez, faculty, professional support staff and the leg work done by the Steering Committee.  There is a student who is considering joining the IEC.


            (c)  CCCT Board Election 2009

                  No nominations were submitted.




            (d)  Child Development Center Contract #CIMS-8637, Instructional Materials, Project #43-6947-00-9 and Resolution No. 904

                  MSC (Dover/Breen) unanimously carried on a roll call vote.


(e)   Child Development Contract #CPRE-8368, Program Type: State Preschool, Project Number: 43-6947-00-8

                  MSC (Breen/Robinson) unanimously carried to approve the Child Development Contract #CPRE-8368, Program Type: State Preschool, Project Number:


            (f)   FY 07-08 District and Measure E Bond Audit Reports

                  MSC (Child/Dover) Bill Williams, Vavrinek, Trine and Day Co. reviewed reports.  The big change for 2007-08 was the sale of $50,000 bonds (Series C).  There were no expenditures found that appear to be out of compliance with the bond ballot measure.  The general fund ended with just under $3.6 million in unrestricted funds, and $180,000 in restricted funds (includes carry over funds and deferred revenue).  The results of the audit are unqualified, student financial aid is ok, and there are no state compliance findings.  Bill acknowledged the cooperation of the staff in the Business Office.  Steve acknowledged Joe Keeler, Business Office staff, and Bill Williams.  Trustee Child asked Joe to convey appreciation to the Business Office for the quality of work produced by staff.  Joe stated that this is a team effort and thanked the Deans and program managers.


(g)   Budget Adjustments

MSC (Perry/Dover) unanimously carried to approve budget adjustments.  Joe reported that the matrix included the recommendations from the Expenditure Reduction Task Force.  Expenditures were decreased by $841,219 and lowered the revenue from the state by the same amount.  There was no net affect on the fund balance.  Trustee Perry thanked Ron and the Expenditure Reduction Task Force for their work.


(h)  FY 09-10 Budget Calendar

MSC (Dover/Davenport) unanimously carried to approve the FY 09-10 Budget Calendar.


(i)   Non-Resident Tuition and Capital Outlay Fee

MSC (Breen/Perry) unanimously carried to approve the non-resident fee, $194.00 and no capital outlay fee.


(j)   Disposition of Surplus Personal Property

MSC (Breen/Robinson) unanimously carried to approve the disposition of surplus personal property.


(k)  Kitchell CEM Amendment to Project Assignment Amendment (PAA)

MSC (Perry/Dover) unanimously carried to approve the Kitchell CEM amendment to project assignment amendment.


(l)   Capital Project Change Order

MSC (Williams/Child) unanimously carried to approve the capital project change order.



1.      The next regularly scheduled Board meeting is February 10, 2009, Gavilan College, Student Center.


2.      The meeting was adjourned at 8:11 p.m.


*Roll Call Vote

MSC (Motion/Second/Carried)