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Special Meeting, Board of Trustees
Strategic Planning Session
Board Self-Evaluation

Wednesday, January 5, 2011, 5:00 p.m.
5055 Santa Teresa Blvd., Gilroy, CA 95020
North/South Lounge


I. CALL TO ORDER 5:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by Kent Child at 5:00 p.m.

  1. Roll Call
    • Trustees present: Tony Ruiz, Mark Dover, Kent Child, Tom Breen, Mike Davenport, Walt Glines
    • Trustees absent: Laura Perry, Aaron Keller
  2. Comments from the Public - This is a time for the public to address the Board (A maximum of 5 minutes will be allotted to each speaker)



  1. Board Self Evaluation and Goals

    After discussion, the Board developed the draft 2011 goals. Staff will revise the goals for clarity, and give recommendations. Steve Kinsella stated that the January 11, 2011 agenda states that we will bring in the Board's goals. If the goals are finalized tonight, we can present the finalized version and it can be voted on. The other option is to present them as a draft and it can be approved the following month.

    It was agreed that an assessment of the goals needs to be developed. Staff will provide reports on a regular basis to the Board regarding student success.

    • GOAL: Conduct appropriate planning and related efforts necessary for preparation for the next accreditation cycle.

      • Clarify the Board's role and responsibilities in the process.
      • Review the previous accreditation documents and recommendations.
      • Provide directional input as is appropriate if needed.
    • GOAL: As a secondary topic for the Board Retreat, discuss Board dynamics, interaction and effectiveness, with attention to maximizing effectiveness.
    • GOAL: Continue the search process and planning endeavors necessary to establish an educational Center in San Benito County.

      • Clarify purpose, scope of offerings and services of center.
      • Analyze probable impacts of new center on rest of district.
      • Project educational center budget needs, both start-up and on-going
      • Lease 20,000 square foot facility
    • GOAL: Maintain District financial viability, flexibility and sustainability.
    • GOAL: Revise the Board Self Evaluation Questionnaire and process for self evaluation to be more aware of the three different communities that the Board represents.
    • GOAL: Involvement in activities at the state and national level.

      • Develop presentations for state and national conferences on district successes such as involvement in CLASS initiative and budget stability best practices including the Expenditure Reduction Task Force.
    • GOAL: Prepare instructional capacity to prepare the college's staffing and proficiency to be in a position to meet current and changing economic cycles.
    • GOAL: Explore options available to have the kind of coaching strength that is necessary for athletic programs.
    • GOAL: Hire an interim Education Foundation Director.
    • GOAL: Explore additional options for actualizing the golf course property as a financial resource to the district.

    Kent Child will forward to the Board Self Evaluation Subcommittee the following suggested edits:

    • Delete question #2: The Board functions as the policy-makers for the college (a) through a very thorough study and discussion of recommendations (b) through independent initiative from the Board.
    • Reword question #10: The Board is involved in state and federal legislative matters. All could be more involved and knowledgeable in legislative matters. We are not necessarily involved in federal legislative matters. Training and education through conferences should be a focus.
  2. Strategic Planning

    Once the Board goals are approved, they will be incorporated into the planning process. This is the beginning of the process for the year. The strategic planning process will continue when the semester begins in February and be completed in May. The final strategic plan will include the information from the Board goals. The strategic plan is a rolling five-year plan; we drop a year and add a year. New items will be added into the strategic plan to make sure Board goals are covered if they fit into major strategy areas, if not, they will be added as other option items to be pursued.

    The strategic plan will be developed with goals and strategies that are broader than the Board goals. It goes from a global perspective into a departmental unit level.

    Goals are targeted for a 12-month process but can stay until necessary, or until the Board indicates that they are to be taken off.


  1. The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 7:28 p.m.

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Last modified: February 17, 2011
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800