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Board Facilities Development and Utilization Committee

June 27, 2012

  Committee Members: Tom Breen, Mark Dover, and Walt Glines
  Committee Resources: Steve Kinsella and Joe Keeler
  Other Attendees: Nancy Bailey (Recorder), Susan Cheu, Jeff Gopp, and Fran Lozano

Open Session

1) Call Meeting to Order: Trustee Tom Breen called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Roll call was taken.
2) Approve Minutes: Minutes from the May 23, 2012 meeting were approved with one insertion requested by Trustee Glines. See insertion below in bold. MSC (Glines/Dover)
(4.a) Current status of golf course and golf course lease – Joe Keeler reviewed that the Wadsworth Foundation is requesting a letter of commitment from the Board of Trustees in order to proceed with the next step which includes, for example, a 10 year pro-forma on the golf course for financial sustainability. The commitment would be for 15 years with two 5-year renewals for a total of 25 years. The two 5-year renewal periods are the option of the Wadsworth Foundation.
3) Comments from the Public: No comments.

4) Status of CEQA Study

Mr. Joe Keeler provided a handout on the "Gavilan College Gilroy Campus Modernization Project; Status Report and Schedule Update" dated June 26, 2012. This report provided a schedule of tasks required to complete the CEQA study along with the duration, elapsed time, and completion date for each task. The consultants are now putting together a package to take to the permitting agencies. A "best guess" for receiving the permits, if all goes well, would be December 2012.

5) Status of Student Center Beam

Mr. Jeff Gopp reported that the Division of State Architects approved the drawings for the project on June 21. He asked for 2 bids from local contractors with 1 declining. He hopes to have the project completed before the fall semester begins but the process for making the laminated beam that is to be inserted is 6 weeks.

6) Status of Five Year Capital Construction Plan and Final and Initial Proposals

Mr. Keeler provided the "District Projects Priority Order" and related resolutions that will be part of the July 10, 2012 board agenda. Mr. Keeler noted that the Chancellor's Office changed the process and asked the districts to choose one (1) project to submit as a Final Project proposal. The Modernization of the Physical Education building is the top priority. All other projects were updated and submitted as Initial Project proposals. Mr. Keeler reviewed the funding requirements of each project. He said Measure E (ME) funds are set aside for the PE and Library projects with a state/district split of 50/50. Trustee Glines asked if the projects identified as #6, San Benito Site Development, and #7 Coyote Valley Site Development, could be moved up on the priority list if needed. President Steven Kinsella said the Board can change the priority of these projects as we get closer to needing them.

7) Status of Remaining and New Measure E projects and revisions to ME Budget

Mr. Keeler stated that all ME projects and budgets are being reviewed with many being closed out. A revised ME Budget will be provided to the subcommittee in August or September. Two additional projects are being presented to the subcommittee and the Board that will finalize the infrastructure improvements.

  1. Mr. Gopp identified the HVAC Control Replacement Project which is estimated at $175,000. This project will replace 1980 control equipment in several areas and allow for more efficient use of the new chiller system.
  2. The second project is to connect old and new electrical transformers to a loop and is estimated at $125,000. Mr. Gopp explained that our new transformers are in a linear mode and when a repair issue arises the transformers cannot be isolated. This project would create a loop and also result in energy savings.

Trustee Glines asked if these projects would help in preparing for the future projects and Mr. Gopp said yes. Trustee Dover asked why these projects were not completed during the initial infrastructure project. President Kinsella that initially cost reduction measures were taken to ensure that all projects could be completed. The savings from completed projects provide the funds for these 2 projects. These projects will not reduce funds already set aside for future projects.

8) Status of Application and Development of Educational Center Status in San Benito County

Mr. Keeler distributed a handout prepared by the City of Hollister's RDA which identified 8 properties in a "Summary of areas reviewed for a potential 25,000 square foot to 30,000 square foot community college campus". President Kinsella explained that he and Mr. Keeler met with city representatives and discussed the strengths and weaknesses of each property. Mr. Keeler also noted a 9th option not on the list for the build-out using the district property at Fairview Corners. After discussion, President Kinsella recommended that the next step would be for the Boards' Off Site Educational Centers subcommittee to meet with the City's representatives and explore the identified properties. This subcommittee would prepare a recommendation to the board. Trustee Dover requested that the subcommittee include each member's property priority list to assist them in the decision making process.

9) Other None.
10) Adjournment of Open Session at 5:10 p.m.
11) Recess to Closed Session at 5:12 p.m.
12) Resume Open Session
  1. Call to Order – Trustee Breen called the meeting to order at 5:49 p.m.
  2. Report of any Action taken in Closed Session – No action was taken in closed.
  3. Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. MSC (Glines/Dover)

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Thank you.

Last modified: June 28, 2012
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800