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APPROVED with revision in bold.

Board Facilities Development and Utilization Committee

May 23, 2012

  Committee Members: Tom Breen, Mark Dover, and Walt Glines
  Committee Resources: Steve Kinsella and Joe Keeler
  Other Attendees: Nancy Bailey (Recorder), Susan Cheu, Don DeLorenzo, Travis Flippen, George Maxe, Jeff Gopp, Ron Hannon, Hope Jukl, and Kathleen Rose

Open Session

1) Call Meeting to Order: Trustee Tom Breen called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. Roll call was taken.
2) Approve Minutes: Minutes from the March 5, 2012 meeting were approved.
MSC (Dover/Glines)
3) Comments from the Public: No comments.

4) 4. Strategic Plan Goal, "Investigate alternative uses of golf course property at Gilroy campus."

Current status of golf course and golf course lease – Joe Keeler reviewed that the Wadsworth Foundation is requesting a letter of commitment from the Board of Trustees in order to proceed with the next step which includes, for example, a 10 year pro-forma on the golf course for financial sustainability. The commitment would be for 15 years with two 5-year renewals for a total of 25 years. The two 5-year renewal periods are the option of the Wadsworth Foundation.

Mr. Don DeLorenzo reported on the successful start of the First Tee in March. He introduced Mr. George Maxe, Executive Director of the Silicon Valley chapter of First Tee. He said that the service areas for the chapter are Palo Alto, San Jose, and South County. Mr. Maxe said that First Tee is excited about the response in the Gilroy area with three more events scheduled this summer. He noted that the program at Gavilan Golf Course would move to the Gilroy Golf Course during the year of construction slated for 2014. Mr. Maxe said once Gavilan's agreement is in place with the Wadsworth Foundation, he (and First Tee) will be responsible for fundraising the $700,000 needed to complete the construction. Wadsworth Foundation estimates construction costs for course improvements at $1.1 million with $250,000 from the Foundation and $130,000 in discounts from their participating vendors. In the event of termination of the agreement with the Wadsworth Foundation an amortized amount of the Foundation's contribution would have to be repaid by the College.

Mr. Maxe and Mr. DeLorenzo answered questions from the Trustees. The Trustees wanted the First Tee program available to San Benito County youth. They were assured that it would be an area targeted in marketing. Joe Keeler asked Mr. Maxe to develop language that would address this request and that it would be included in the letter of intent from the full Board. Both Mr. DeLorenzo and Mr. Maxe offered to promote First Tee at San Benito community meetings or events. The Trustees were assured that instructional programs could co-exist with the First Tee program and that during construction physical education classes could be held at the Gilroy Golf Course.

The committee directed the administration to prepare a draft letter of intent for the full Board of Trustee's consideration.

5) Status of Environmental Research Center (ERC)

Ms. Hope Jukl reported on the progress of the project to date which included tagging trees as part of the arboretum. Tree identification signs are complete and students will place them this summer. The project team is working with a landscape architect, CEQA specialists, and Joe Keeler to select acceptable sites for a total of four outdoor classrooms.

Dr. Kathleen Rose added that STEM grant project leaders have been successfully collaborating with San Jose State faculty. It has been an opportunity for faculty to share information. She also added that the ERC project team has worked diligently to locate appropriate sites for the outdoor classrooms and although progress has been slow they are moving forward.

Trustee Glines asked about the funding for constructing the outdoor classrooms and Ms. Jukl responded that the STEM II grant has $700,000 allocated for construction. Ms. Jukl also noted that they have ideas for the environmentally sensitive areas identified in the plans for the golf course improvements.

6) Status of San Martin Airport build out

Mr. Keeler reviewed the history of the aviation's move from the Hollister Airport to the main campus and subsequent discussions with representatives from Santa Clara County regarding the San Martin Airport. There have been many obstacles and technical issues on the site identified by the County. The County is not interested in partnering on any site improvements. District staff and the architects met several times with Gavilan's aviation program team to determine program needs and develop design plans. Construction costs are estimated at $2.6 million. President Kinsella identified Measure E as a possible funding source for the project. At the last project team meeting, faculty members Travis Flippen and Herb Spenner suggested some alternate sites at the airport.

The Trustees had several questions and comments. They recommended that the alternate options be explored at the San Martin Airport.

Dr. Rose noted that the program has grown and that the new site will be a welcome addition to the program.

7) Status of CEQA study

Mr. Keeler reported that two items are needed to move the study along with one being a drawing of the proposed arboretum and other outdoor classrooms. The second issue is getting approval from land owners to conduct water well tests. Joe then reviewed the timing of the CEQA process.

8) Other None.
9) Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m.

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Thank you.

Last modified: June 28, 2012
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800