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Facilities Development and Utilization Committee

December 13, 2011

  Committee Members: Tom Breen, Mark Dover, and Walt Glines
  Committee Resources: Steve Kinsella and Joe Keeler
  Other Attendees: Nancy Bailey, Susan Cheu, Trustee Kent Child, Jeff Gopp, and Dr. Kathleen Rose

Open Session

1) Call Meeting to Order: Trustee Tom Breen called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. Roll call was taken.
2) Approve Minutes: Minutes from the June 2, 2011 meeting were approved.
MSC (Dover/Glines)
3) Comments from the Public: No comments.

4) Review information related to Gilroy campus improvements

Joe Keeler reported that this item is included as an action item on the December 13 Board of Trustees agenda. The packet of information included a letter from district legal counsel Harold Freiman concerning the proposed facilities and infrastructure improvements planned for the Gilroy campus and the next steps under the California’s Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and permitting process. In addition, a proposal is included from David J. Powers & Associates to complete the initial plan.

Trustee Breen noted that there were 10 required items of information to provide the consultant and asked if that presented any problems. Joe said that the District already has many maps and can provide the information.

Trustee Glines asked how the firm was chosen. Joe said that David J. Powers & Associates has worked on the CEQA process for both the District’s Coyote Valley and San Benito properties. Their work and that of their sub-consultants has been good. President Kinsella reviewed that an extensive Request for Proposals (RFP) process took place in 2004 when selecting the architects for the ME renovation projects and noted that David J. Powers & Associates was one of the subcontractors in the competitive bid process.

Trustee Glines asked if this is a similar process of mitigating for environmental impacts for the salamander that the 2 land acquisitions have. Joe said yes, but hoped it would not take as long. The District is in the process of purchasing easements to mitigate the other sites and perhaps this project can be piggy-backed onto that agreement. President Kinsella indicated that the 3 year process for the 2 properties has involved filing permits with both the federal and state agencies. These agencies create the requirements for habitat replacements. Projects cannot move forward until the habitat replacement is resolved.

Trustee Glines asked how this will affect the timeline for the GECA project. Joe said he had notified GUSD and provided them with a copy of the legal opinion and indicated it would delay the project for 6 – 12 months. Trustee Glines then asked if the installation of solar panels or a charging station could be added to the scope of work without delaying the projects. He felt it was important that the District looked into this and perhaps it could be a separate project so that it did not hold up the current ones. President Kinsella reviewed what he has learned from those who have installed solar panels. He said it is not yet a proven technology for high returns and cost reductions. The utility costs drop but the maintenance and repairs cost for the equipment is high. Being a smaller organization it would be difficult to see large returns. He felt this may change as the technology improves in this industry. President Kinsella said an analysis will be prepared.

Trustee Dover noted that on the campus project improvement plans that the CJ500 building is being demolished but not the pad. He asked if there were plans for the pad so that it would not become an eyesore. Joe will check into the demolition of the pad.

The committee agreed to make a recommendation to the full board to approve the proposal. MSC (Breen/Glines)

5) Other

Peeling paint: Jeff reported that the covered walkways were painted over during the renovation of the science complex. As a cost savings, the scope of work did not include replacing the wood which is now degrading. Trustee Breen asked if there were plans to repair this and Jeff said the repairs are included in a 5 year scheduled maintenance program with the state. To date, this has not been funded. Trustee Dover asked if there was any danger involved and Jeff said it was not a safety threat. Trustee Glines did not want it to be a liability issue.

President Kinsella reviewed that many board goals were completed due to bond funds which allowed for renovations on campus. He said we are entering a 2nd phase in which we need to reevaluate and assess projects and available funding including projects waiting for state funding and the educational centers. President Kinsella said we will work on determining all costs and proposed financing options for completion and report to the Board. Remaining ME funds may be considered if the projects qualify under the measure.

Closed Session

6) Recess to Closed Session The Committee recessed to closed session at 4:35 p.m.

Resume Open Session

1) Call to Order Trustee Breen called the meeting to order at 4:36 p.m.
2) Report of any Action taken in
Closed Session
No action was taken in closed
3) Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. MSC (Glines/Dover)

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Last modified: May 17, 2012
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800