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Gavilan College Board Facilities Development and Utilization Subcommittee
Gilroy Unified School District Board Facilities Subcommittee

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
OPEN SESSION: 5:00 p.m.

Gavilan College, 5055 Santa Teresa Blvd., Gilroy CA 95020
Student Center, North/South Lounge

GUSD Board Members: Rhoda Bress, Francisco Dominguez, Jaime Rosso
Gavilan College Board Members: Mark Dover, Walt Glines, Tom Breen
Committee Resources: Dr. Steven Kinsella, Gavilan College Superintendent/President
Dr. Deborah Flores, Superintendent, GUSD
Angie Oropeza, Recording Secretary
Other Attendees: Joseph Keeler, Marty Hochroch

1) Call Meeting to Order: The meeting was called to order by Tom Breen at 5:05 p.m.
2) Comments from the Public: No comments.

3) Long-Term Lease and Location of the GECA Program

Dr. Steven Kinsella reviewed the events leading to the establishment of the Gilroy Early College Academy (GECA) by the Gilroy Unified School District (GUSD) and Gavilan College which serves Gavilan's entire service area. The original MOU is now at an end and Gavilan is in a position to find a permanent location for GECA. We would like to remove the portables so that they are not counted in our space inventory and for GECA to have a self-contained area but still be part of the college. Several possible locations were reviewed, including the AJ area on the north end of campus, the south corner entrance, and expanding at the current location. The MOU covered the grant period, but we have continued to operate as if it is still in effect. We are now in a position for both Boards to make a decision as to the best location for GECA. Tom Breen reported that the Gavilan Board has reviewed staff reports regarding the possible locations. He asked for input from GUSD.

Dr. Deborah Flores stated that GECA has been a stellar program both Boards can be proud of. It is the highest performing among all the college academies in the state. The GUSD staff have also reviewed the possible locations. Their ideal location has been taken off the list because of the creek setbacks, but the southern corner property would be their preference. Their goal was to have the new site ready for the next school year, and the deadline is close for making a decision. They propose a long-term lease for the land and use measure P funds for the modular campus.

Joe Keeler reported that besides the south corner entrance near the creek bed, the second location is to extend the existing site into the parking lot. That will cause issues with traffic, parking, and entrance/exit into the parking lot. However, those issues have been discussed and can be mitigated. The area where the existing AJ portables are located was also looked at but it is not large enough.

Dr. Deborah Flores stated that she understands that there are some concerns from the Gavilan Board regarding the use of the corner lot. Dr. Steve Kinsella reported that the Gavilan Board was provided the information that the modulars would be relocated onto the corner lot, and there were concerns about aesthetics. Architect Marty Hochroch reported that some image studies were done to mitigate the look of the modulars, including signage and fencing to provide a decorative entry similar to the south entrance. Mark Dover stated that aesthetics is a concern. Gavilan is an inviting place to come and if there is something else at the entrance, it takes our identity. We prefer not to have portables or a fence at the entrance. Walt Glines stated that we are looking for GUSD to work on the portables to blend in with the rest of the campus. Tom Breen stated that no matter what happens, eventually there will be another entrance to the parking lot at the south end.

Walt Glines asked if we will be in compliance regarding the creek and any endangered species on the sites. Joe Keeler reported that our environmental review consultants recommend that all issues be looked at in one environmental impact review which including the duck pond, the bridge, the waterway area by the AJ portables, and the pond by the water tank. Their preliminary report states that if GECA expands into the parking lot at the current location there is hardly any impact because it is already paved.

Dr. Steve Kinsella stated that we started the environmental review because we were impacting an existing waterway. This is an existing campus so we don't need another EIR. We need to go through Fish and Game and Army Corps of Engineers because of the waterway. We need to make sure we satisfy their requirements to work on the entrance at the south part of the campus. We need to separate the issues. If we are looking at the area by the duck pond it would take a lot longer because we are expanding into a waterway. If we expand in the existing location into the parking lot or another area we could probably do it much sooner.

Jaime Rosso asked if there are any other alternatives for future expansion, other options, or other locations to consider. Dr. Steve Kinsella stated that the college plans to put in a building in the only open space available. The other possible locations are at the AJ portables area, or the area where GECA is currently located. When the new building is constructed it will free up some space in the student center but it will not be large enough and it will be long-term because we are waiting for state funding.

Marty Hochroch stated that the notion is to create a courtyard campus with open space on the inside. There should be enough space for the school in the existing site as long as there is flexibility about the space needed and the issues of parking and entry to the campus are addressed.

Mark Dover asked if the parking lot and the area where the business services portable is located could be a possibility. Joe Keeler stated that the area was looked at in a preliminary discussion. It may not be large enough because it is hemmed in by the OE building and the road, and it doesn't speak to the traffic problem, but we can look at it again.

Jaime Rosso suggested that it might be helpful if the Board members took a tour of the sites. We also need to think about interim housing for students. Marty Hochroch stated that it is still possible to meet the deadline if the work could begin before the end of the year with most of the work done during the summer.

Jaime Rosso asked how quickly the process can begin once a decision is made on a site and what the timeline will be. Marty Hochroch stated that we are getting upon the time when a decision needs to be made so the drawings can be done, approved, and get a contractor on board. Dr. Deborah Flores stated that the timeline shows September as the cut off to get the project done by next year.

Dr. Steve Kinsella stated that we have been looking at relocating the portables we have now. If funding is within GUSD's budget, we could open up the AJ area again and build up. If we are open to looking at other ways of addressing the price issue, we should look at that last, not first.

Jaime Rosso stated that it would be good to flesh this out as quickly as possible; zero in on what we would like to see, run it by staff, and then figure out how the finances are going to work. Walt Glines stated that we should review how operating costs will be handled in the future.

It was agreed that the subcommittees should continue to meet jointly as the project is developed.

4) Other
5) Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

Joe Keeler led the Board members on a tour of the possible sites.

Please help keep Gavilan College a litter-free campus and preserve its park-like setting.
Thank you.

Last modified: May 17, 2012
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800